Don't look!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
West Virginia


I told you not to! :(
OMG, are you ok?
Fixing ??? I can get front stuff for
you cheap...
If not fixing...dibs on headlights, intake, front seat skins yo

that sucks mang, give us the story...
God damn Driller!

1. You are okay if you are posting... that is all that really matters.

2. The only rare part, the LSC lights look fine...
Oh fock mang! How you doing? What happened? :(
damn, that is a bad day. I'm sorry to see that driller.
No one was hurt... but the car is totaled.






I was pulling out at an intersection, turning right. I had to pull up to see around cars stopped in the lanes to the left of me. I saw a car coming just as I pulled out. I accelerated to put distance between us and apparently he accelerated to go around me in his left lane. The car lost traction due to gravel at the intersection, spun and kicked out into his lane just as he was surprisingly beside me. The impact fishtailed me out of control and we impacted again. :(

I received a citation for failure to maintain control. :(
Oh man that makes me want to cry, seriously. Happened in the worst way too, hope you are not beating yourself up mang.

Do you have full coverage?
No one was hurt... but the car is totaled.

I was pulling out at an intersection, turning right. I had to pull up to see around cars stopped in the lanes to the left of me. I saw a car coming just as I pulled out. I accelerated to put distance between us and apparently he accelerated to go around me in his left lane. The car lost traction due to gravel at the intersection, spun and kicked out into his lane just as he was surprisingly beside me. The impact fishtailed me out of control and we impacted again. :(

I received a citation for failure to maintain control. :(

Damn, now I really do hate to see that. I don't guess a fender is gonna help too much in that case. Main thing is that you're ok. It could have been a different story that someone else could have come on here and told for you. I know what it feels like to lose a car all in an instant.
Damn that sucks. I really hope you have full coverage. I wonder if Jaime (or anyone else) has a rear 1/4 they can cut off.
Dude we are all glad you're ok, wow
yours is one of my favorite cars on here, probably because it looks like I want mine to look eventually..sorry I had to be a vulture on your misfortune, hope you at least get a nice check for it
Most of the newer people on this forum probably have no idea what's underneath that hood or underneath that chassis.

Sorry for your loss, driller.
So what's the plan? Buy back and do some part swaps to a new body?
damn john i really dont like seeing that at all. i dont know what you are gonna do with it, obviously until the insurance company tells you anything you wont know. if you plan to buy it back after taking a check, i'll do anything i can for you, i'll give you a header panel, i'll give you a fender, front bumper cover, i even have a 1/4 panel on a 97 thats in real nice shape, you can cut it right up against the tail light, the rest of the quarter is all the same, the catch will be you have to come down here with a truck and you can have the crap, i'll just cut the car up to give you the whole 1/4 that way a body shop can do what they have to, to get the skin off. you can have all this stuff i dont want no money but i wont ship it. i dont want to see that car go to waste if it works out right you must fix it. sorry man that seriously blows.
Very nice Jamie...that would be a hard loss on such a beautiful car...yes please fix it if
you can...anything can be fixed..just time and money
Damn John, I am sorry to see that. I have an Aquamarine 93 I haven't started on yet. It's yours if you need it, and you can swap all your parts over to that car.
man that sucks, hope you fix'er, if not i saw a post of a guy selling a 97 in maryland for $850 FS: 1997 Black/Tan Mark VIII LSC

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