Don't look!!!

Driller - sorry to see your misfortune, atleast no one is injured. I am sure you will be getting a replacement.
...I would have rather seen the Russian Pithon Mark VIII in this thread....
I'll travel if you need some help with body work John. I'm REALLY sorry to see the flame in that shape. At least you are ok, that is THE most important thing.

Wow! Glad your alright. Thats a sick Gen 1. Hope you fix it!
damn john! Glad your ok! Cars can be replaced but people can not! Wish I had another cobra r hood to give you....:D Good luck in fixing it (if you decide to)
thats fvcked up...
at least your ok, and the car looks fixable.
driller, thank God you are ok! Sounds like there's enough parts and hands out there to get her fixed in a jiffy!

Give love to the family!

Thanks for all the well wishes. I'll be gone for a week and don't know what will come of all this but time will tell soon enough.

Hold on to those parts! LOL :D
I am glad that everyone is ok driller and like the others i say rebuild that car is one of the best. I can't do much but i will do what i can to help.
sorry about you loses, thats too bad insurances dont feel that our car is worth fixing, i too was involved in an accident with 55xxxxmiles on my 93, insurances totalled it was not very happy about it and i had full coverage, with additional 1000 added to the insurance for the stereo and aftermarket stuff but still it was totaled. they gave me the offer of the lemon title and the estimate of the crash was aroung $4000 to fix it since the car wasnt worth for the damage, they totaled it and boy was i not happy?like loosing a best friend. regards,
Sorry for your loss JP.:mad:
If this would be my car I would do everything I could to fix it. This car is not Just average Mark VIII that has some go fast parts installed. Loosing this car is like loosing a family member.
what are you guys talkin about, driller will have his mark back on the road by this weekend.
what are you guys talkin about, driller will have his mark back on the road by this weekend.

I don't know about that, but anyone around Atlanta this week should keep an eye out for it's evil sibling...


Most importantly, watch out for the driver! :D
i can relate to your pain i just got rearended on my way to meet with Chargerxr to trade parts. mines not totaled but it sucks just as much, since i just had the front and rear bumpers repainted.
There's my old hood;) looks good on your car! If you decide to rebuild your 93, I have a set of lsc moldings I will give you for free if you want them. Let me know.

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