topher5150 said:It's kind of funny a few years ago when Bush was in office the libs were screaming bloody murder about Bush wanting to make money off of the oil after we invaded Iraq. No that Obama is in office, off shore drilling has been banned, there is more unrest in the middle east gas prices are climbing back up and not a peep from the left
Gee, let's see---OH!!! How about nuclear? Oh, that's right! We had it. And then all the libtards said that they were SOOOOOO SSSCCARED of nuclear and agitated until most of the installations were mothballed.
It's kind of funny a few years ago when Bush was in office the libs were screaming bloody murder about Bush wanting to make money off of the oil after we invaded Iraq. No that Obama is in office, off shore drilling has been banned, there is more unrest in the middle east gas prices are climbing back up and not a peep from the left
More offshore drilling will only bring the bastards more profit since they'll continue to charge as they wish.
I find it hillariously funny how Obama gets blamed for everything, but Bush was a saint, the oil prices have gone up because of wall street speculators that essentially place bets that oil is gonna get expensive because.....any excuse will do for these bastards,wether it's hurricanes off the coast of Florida,screw you pay, the riots in egypt, screw you pay,Lybia, screw you pay,When there's nothing, then it's because the plant is down for maintenance and so on.
Waiting for the Evangelical right to blame the disaster in Japan on Obama, the muslim mao mao whitey hating Godzilla lover.
Yes because the market doesn't in any way determine prices.
The most politically effective totalitarian systems have gotten people to give up their own freedom in order to vent their resentment or hatred at other people -- under Communism, the capitalists; under Nazi, the Jews
-Thomas Sowell
The oil companies were not behind the rise merely along for the market ride so there was a reason for their profits which then could not be characterized as "unreasonable" (without explanation)The Democratic energy package would have imposed a 25 percent tax on any "unreasonable" profits of the five largest U.S. oil companies
Here you go, this was in 2008 as reported by FOX news, so you should have no problems believing this,2933,364846,00.html
shagdrum: Ummm yeah, said that![]()
The oil companies were not behind the rise merely along for the market ride so there was a reason for their profits which then could not be characterized as "unreasonable" (without explanation)
And why only the 5 biggest and how do you define the unreasonable in a live market.
Obama is an intellectual but lacks the balls Bush had to do what he did.
He wants to be loved, instead of being feared and respected which is better.
Other than sneaking through Obamacare he's been weak as a democrat in pushing his policies and not hitting back on charges the stimulus was a failure and so on...
The problem is, Obama is painted as a far left communist and so on, the reality is Obama is neither left or right, he's CENTER leaning left
The problem is, Obama is painted as a far left communist and so on, the reality is Obama is neither left or right, he's CENTER leaning left, which in govt, the president is and should be center, like the supreme court should be and is not. After all, he represents all Americans, not just Dems or Reps. With that said, feared and respected is what Saddam was by his people, with Bush it was more like special needs and sad.
George Bush Sr. was not feared but he was respected which allowed us to visit other countries without having to wear Canadian flags on backpacks for our own safety, unlike under Jr. But speaking of respect, I remember when the dixie chicks said something about Jr. and were almost linched by the right; Obama on the other hand, it's OK to talk down and lie about our own president? disrespect him is the same as disrespecting the flag he represents.
Stop being sore losers and let the next election decide.
How is that even relevant to the point I made?
Are you advocating the absurd notion of taxing oil companies to reduce prices?
You might want to actually take the time to learn basic economics before you start trying to point fingers and condescend to others. Otherwise you simply show yourself to be an ignorant buffoon.
Simply put, if your argument does not conform with the laws of supply and demand, it is nothing but fantasy.
Might as well say we can fix our economic downturn with fairy dust and unicorns.
Is this another of your incoherent tantrums?
I have come to realize, that you may be able to type, but you must not be able to read, put down the dragon speaks and READ.
The questions are: WHY are we paying so much for oil when the oil companies are raking in astronomical profits? WHY aren't speculators regulated or limited? WHY are we giving them massive tax breaks when they are in no need of them? Why are Republicans so eager to blockade any bill that taxes massive profits when so many are hurting?
What defines "left", "right", "conservative", "liberal", "socialist" or "communist"? By what standard do you come to the conclusion that Obama is "center leaning left".
It is clear that you are functioning under a simplistic, false stereotype of conservatives. Have you ever even picked up a book on political philosophy and/or political thought? Do you have ANY knowledge by which to make any such determination, or are you simply spouting talking point that you uncritically accept because they appeal to you?
I am willing to bet it's the latter.
Well it seems to me maybe you should read what defines what because while you were wrapped up on looking up big words "sesame street for dummies" the Evangelist slipped in your back door and has taken over the "right".
Again, how is that even a response to what I said?
Are you simply going to continue to try and stereotype me and conservatism in general?
Is it that scary to even consider the possibility that your preconceived notions might be wrong?
Wikipedia is hardly a credible source when it comes to understanding ideology. If fact that "explanation" does more to blur ideological distinctions then anything else. Most "explanations" of ideology serve to confuse the issue by design.
Instead of cutting and pasting a response, can YOU tell me what defines "liberal"? It is not as hard as you seem to want to make it.
I'll help you out. Ideologies can be broken down into means and ends. Libertarianism, for instance, is essentially laissez faire means toward the end of individual liberty.
ALL ideologies have some overriding value or set of values that serve as that "goal". What defines modern liberalism (or Progressivism if you want to call it that)? What makes an ideological point of view "liberal" in the first place? What defines that side of the ideological spectrum?
Whenever I make a statement, you automatically say it's my view; therefore I copied and pasted a non-partisan explanation of center right: if you don't like it, that's your problem, but don't ask for answers then say you haven't received them.![]()