OMG..I need this problem is the damn trunk ajar warning..even when the trunk is closed it's on at every start up..I have to press reset every time I drive just to clear it off...any solutions..? thanks.
Well that didn't work. How close do you figure the '93 and '95 EVTMs are to the '94? I see every EVTM for every year for sale except the '94, the one I need.
94 to 95 EVTM's are slightly different, but 93 & 94's are the same.
If your going through all the work of removing the door panels might as well just replace the switches. Takes a few hours and a bucket of swear words but the problem won't come back for another 20 years.
Well that works too. And is quicker and easier than removing both door panels.
KeVIIIn, that's not actually the switch that causes the door ajar message. It's further down on the latch, but looks just like it. I think they are the same switch but not positive. That switch is actually more important than the door ajar switch, as it controls more functions. Just didn't want anyone to get confused.