Okay thanks, and I'm not trying to be argumentative.
However 3 things.
1 it doesn't make any sense to me to have a piece of rubber between the two flanges(not sure what they're called) if you're not going to make contact with the rubber on either end. What purpose does the flex disc serve then?
2. That 'sleeve' in the bottom picture looks like a sleeve. However, in the 1st picture, top blue bolt head. I see contact between the flange and rubber. That looks like what would have been a machined surface on the flange. The surface area is much larger than the sleeve in the 2nd picture....
3. there was no uniformity to the gap across the bolts..... some looked like small gaps, some looked flush, some only were off on one side.... and in the bolt in question there's a gap on both sides.
With this in mind. If this all is okay....all I'm left to wonder is does that rubber matter at all in terms of how much clearance there is? If it does matter, when is the gap too much?