Dual Exhaust to Single


Active LVC Member
Oct 18, 2005
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On my 1994 Continental, it has dual exhaust, which to me is nosier then a single exhaust. In OD there is the long droning note that irks me in a rather quiet car. I have noticed that most of the Taurus'/Sables that I see also have single exhaust as well. If I were able to take out or bypass the second muffler, would that make the car quiter, especially in OD. I know the second muffler adds just a few more HP, but I am willing to sacrafice in order for a nice quiet ride. The mufflers that are on the car now are aftermarket.
If your mufflers are original equipment, you may want to consider getting new ones altogether.
I had them replace about 30,000 miles ago, and the ones that are on there are still good, they atr just noiser then I would like, but so were the OE that came with the car.

I have tried stopping one of the mufflers to see how much of a difference it made and it was significant.
converting the fake dual system to a single is fairly easy, there are infact some single exhaust conti's out there. try the earlier year ones for the right parts. I think pretty much the only difference out there is in the rear portion, as the stock exhaust is single all the way to just about the front edge of the trunk (give or take a little). Then it splits to 2 mufflers at each rear corner.

The stock dual system, with factory spec mufflers (not aftermarket, you gonna spend better part of 80+ bucks each for the OE) is actually pretty damn quiet. you may have a leakage somewhere else (resonator??) thats sits just about beneath the front floor boards.
maremont lists single exhaust avail for the early conti's. starting in 91, it seems to be dual only.

their online catalog even has nice pics (like the old paper books used to have) of the layout of all the parts, and their part numbers. using that as a reference, I am sure you can figure out what parts you may need to make yours single.
There is no reason dual is going to be a noisier ride, ie. (mercedes, rolls royce, bentley, lexus etc...) espically as mentioned that it isn't a true dual anyways. Chances are with the age the baffling materials are shot in the mufflers. Also you could even have broken or clogged materials in the cats, though thats doubtful. Try also checking with muffler shops with your problem, chances are they'll all suggest new mufflers. Make sure and specify you want a quieter set of mufflers than you currently have. Also don't rule out that the drone could be your transmission, has the fluid ever/recently been changed. Also try undercoating the car with undercoating which also suppresses noise & vibration. As well as checking that all your door/window seals are in good condition and aren't ripped/torn.
I'm not sure how the Conti system is but you could put another muffler in the middle of the car. Run 3 mufflers.

theirs no room for a conventional third muffler, but a good resonator or a small round muffler. could be put on it. unlike the marks they left no extra room under the body of the car, one little gap for the single pipe to run through, 2 pipes if you know someone with some fabrication skill :). It's all floor pan underneath. This car was deffinatly not made for mods. Also any cracked or worn out hangers will get you some extra drone in the car.

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