Easy way to disable a car?


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Aside from disconnecting the battery, is there another easy way to render a car immobile, preferably not starting? My parents are looking for easy ways to disable her car and she's figured out how to reconnect the battery.
is it a ford? unplug the "inertia switch" disabling the fuel pump, or just lightly hit with a hammer till the plunger pops up, i dunno if any other manufacturers use anything like this, but id imagine they would have to. it shuts off the fuel pump in the event of a hard enough collision. the car will run for a min or so (sometimes more), so id run the fuel out of the rails after you trip the switch, unless you want her to get in the road then stall out :D
is it a ford? unplug the "inertia switch" disabling the fuel pump,

good call i didnt even think of that.

the switch will be in one of 4 places. either the drivers or passengers kick panel area (down by your feet)
or the drivers or passengers rear quarter areas.
check the owners manual it will help you find it.
I wouldnt suggest using a hammer as the switches are plastic, just bang it with your hand and it will trip.
bahhhh we hit with all the time with hammers and i aint broke one yet, i believe the focus has it in the pass front kick panel (to the right of the passengers feet) there should be a little triangle cover exposing the button you need to press to get it to run again. just hit right below that cover a few times, you will hear a noise like those spring door stoppers you played with when you were a kid, it will usually make that noise a couple times before it actually trips the switch, then just run it out of gas. id still disconnect the battery just to screw with he too, she will think she is hot stuff when she hooks it back up but then it will crank but still not start, and i bet she disconnects and re connects it a few times
what ever happend the the good old...hide the keys trick...
Let's see, ways to disable a ford.
-Unplug brake switch, so car will start, but won't come out of park
-Swap out ignition lock cylinder for a different pattern
-Remove ECM fuse
-Trip the inertia switch, as has been said already
-Unplug coil pack, if it has one

Why are we disabling her car by the way? DWI or something? What about taking the plates and registration off the car? Would that work? I think probably the best way, if you need the car completely disabled, would be to just remove the ECM fuse and take it, along with all the spare fuses with you. She's not likely to know that its missing, and even if she does find out, she won't know what fuse to get to replace it. Or better yet, put an already blown fuse in its place, that way even if she decides to look under there, she won't see anything missing.
:eek: Disconnect the battery cables, scotch-tape the terminals and reconnect the cables.....I did it to my brother,(as a joke) it drove him crazy:D
Is this a long term or short term disabling you're going for?

Replace the ecm fuse with a blown one and Inertia Switch are good, quick and easy to do and reverse, and hard to detect unless you're pretty good with this stuff. If the car had a distributor you could also take out the rotor.

"Unplug brake switch, so car will start, but won't come out of park"
That depends on the vehicle, some have a button to override the shift interlock right on the console. Not sure about the focus though

just pull the fuse to the ignition or fuel pump. I always liked to take the coil wire off friends cars and take it with me.
Apparently in the Focus the inertia switch button is in the A pillar, and theres even a little hole so you can see it.

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