Eat this story, libs


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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So the terrorists will leave if we leave, eh? Not if Iran has anything to say about it! This is proof that the insurgency is Iran's doing, and not Bush's fault. It's clear that they want a civil war there, that's why they are supporting both sides and trying to keep the fighting going.

Time to put Iran in our gunsights and make them back off.

Reprinted from

Thursday, Jan. 4, 2007 11:56 a.m. EST

U.S. Finds Iran's 'Smoking Gun' in Iraq

American forces have found a "smoking gun” that proves Iran is supporting the insurgency in Iraq – captured Iranian documents showing the country is abetting both Sunni and Shiite terrorists.

News that U.S. forces had captured Iranians in Iraq was reported in December. But now it’s come to light that the Iranians were carrying documents revealing their country’s activities in Iraq. An American intelligence official confirmed that Shiite Iran "is working closely with both the Shiite militias and Sunni Jihadist groups,” the New York Sun reported in an article headlined "Iran’s Secret Plan for Mayhem.”

The documents disclosed how the Quds Force – Iran’s elite revolutionary guard unit that supports Shiite Hezbollah and Shiite death squads – also supports individuals associated with al-Qaida in Iraq and the Sunni terror group Ansar al-Sunna.

Another U.S. official, who termed the captured documents a "smoking gun,” said: "We found plans for attacks, phone numbers affiliated with Sunni bad guys, a lot of things that filled in the blanks on what these guys are up to.”

According to the Sun, one document concludes "that Iraq’s Sunni neighbors will step up their efforts to aid insurgent groups and that it is imperative for Iran to redouble efforts to retain influence with them, as well as with Shiite militias.”

News that the Quds Force is actively supporting Sunni terrorists could threaten the close ties between Iraq’s ruling Shiites and Tehran.

But U.S. policy makers should be mindful of the new revelations that Iran is supporting Sunnis in Iraq as well as Shiites, according to Wayne White, a former State Department senior analyst on Iraq and Iran. He told the Sun: "One example of a mindset that may hinder analysis of Iranian involvement is the belief that Iran would never have any dealings with militant Sunni Arabs. But they allowed hundreds of al-Qaida operatives to escape from Afghanistan across their territory in 2002.”
fossten said:
So the terrorists will leave if we leave, eh? Not if Iran has anything to say about it! This is proof that the insurgency is Iran's doing, and not Bush's fault. It's clear that they want a civil war there, that's why they are supporting both sides and trying to keep the fighting going.

Time to put Iran in our gunsights and make them back off.

Reprinted from

Thursday, Jan. 4, 2007 11:56 a.m. EST

U.S. Finds Iran's 'Smoking Gun' in Iraq

American forces have found a "smoking gun” that proves Iran is supporting the insurgency in Iraq – captured Iranian documents showing the country is abetting both Sunni and Shiite terrorists.

News that U.S. forces had captured Iranians in Iraq was reported in December. But now it’s come to light that the Iranians were carrying documents revealing their country’s activities in Iraq. An American intelligence official confirmed that Shiite Iran "is working closely with both the Shiite militias and Sunni Jihadist groups,” the New York Sun reported in an article headlined "Iran’s Secret Plan for Mayhem.”

The documents disclosed how the Quds Force – Iran’s elite revolutionary guard unit that supports Shiite Hezbollah and Shiite death squads – also supports individuals associated with al-Qaida in Iraq and the Sunni terror group Ansar al-Sunna.

Another U.S. official, who termed the captured documents a "smoking gun,” said: "We found plans for attacks, phone numbers affiliated with Sunni bad guys, a lot of things that filled in the blanks on what these guys are up to.”

According to the Sun, one document concludes "that Iraq’s Sunni neighbors will step up their efforts to aid insurgent groups and that it is imperative for Iran to redouble efforts to retain influence with them, as well as with Shiite militias.”

News that the Quds Force is actively supporting Sunni terrorists could threaten the close ties between Iraq’s ruling Shiites and Tehran.

But U.S. policy makers should be mindful of the new revelations that Iran is supporting Sunnis in Iraq as well as Shiites, according to Wayne White, a former State Department senior analyst on Iraq and Iran. He told the Sun: "One example of a mindset that may hinder analysis of Iranian involvement is the belief that Iran would never have any dealings with militant Sunni Arabs. But they allowed hundreds of al-Qaida operatives to escape from Afghanistan across their territory in 2002.”
With all your insight, you should consider running for president. It's clear you have such a grasp of world politics. I wish I had the time to drudge up articles from the Internet that support my ideolgies and post them on the Internet so that people can see my point of view. But the fact of the matter is, I rather enjoy watching you take the time to find these articles that support your beliefs because it gives me something to laugh at. Why don't you think for yourself and formulate your own ideas as opposed to stealing everyone elses when you copy and paste? If I had the time or I cared enough about what you and your conservitives did, I would find an article that countered all your articiles you post.

How does it feel to be one dimensional?
DLS8K, I would like to see you find an article to counter this. Like most libs, you probably would not know where to start.
DLS8K said:
With all your insight, you should consider running for president. It's clear you have such a grasp of world politics. I wish I had the time to drudge up articles from the Internet that support my ideolgies and post them on the Internet so that people can see my point of view. But the fact of the matter is, I rather enjoy watching you take the time to find these articles that support your beliefs because it gives me something to laugh at. Why don't you think for yourself and formulate your own ideas as opposed to stealing everyone elses when you copy and paste? If I had the time or I cared enough about what you and your conservitives did, I would find an article that countered all your articiles you post.

How does it feel to be one dimensional?

Hey. Noob. Understand this: I can debate you anywhere, anytime, on any subject. I haven't seen you contribute anything but spineless conjecture on any thread around here. If you bothered to read my post, you would see that I injected my opinion first, then used the article to back it up. I'm sure you only skimmed it, but what do you expect from someone who can't pronounce words with more than one syllable.

Furthermore, if you ever bothered to read other threads you would notice that I put my opinion out there all the time without using articles to introduce subjects. So your statement is flatly false and absurd. I haven't seen you try to counter my point either, evidently because you can't.

If anybody's getting laughed at here, it's you. I guarantee the lib haters on this forum don't laugh at me. They gnash their teeth in hatred. Big difference. Try debating me once and you'll do the same.

fossten said:
Hey. Noob. Understand this: I can debate you anywhere, anytime, on any subject. I haven't seen you contribute anything but spineless conjecture on any thread around here. If you bothered to read my post, you would see that I injected my opinion first, then used the article to back it up. I'm sure you only skimmed it, but what do you expect from someone who can't pronounce words with more than one syllable.

Furthermore, if you ever bothered to read other threads you would notice that I put my opinion out there all the time without using articles to introduce subjects. So your statement is flatly false and absurd. I haven't seen you try to counter my point either, evidently because you can't.

If anybody's getting laughed at here, it's you. I guarantee the lib haters on this forum don't laugh at me. They gnash their teeth in hatred. Big difference. Try debating me once and you'll do the same.

You could debate me anywhere, anytime, on anything and I wouldn't be afraid. As for your posts and your opinion to my posts: You can disagree with my posts because that is your right. I can also disagree with your posts because that is my right. You can call my posts spineless conjecture and I can call your posts extremist and one dimensional. As for your personal attack on me in regards to my education......I graduated college with a better GPA than our president.

As for your point you were trying to make which was that Bush is not responsible for the insurgency I assume, I never thought he was. Therefore, me debating that would have been pointless. The country is at war with us and eachother and it is the result of an upstart government struggling to gain control by means of democracy (a foreign concept to that country).

I'm sure lib haters don't laugh at you.........but those of us who aren't such extremists may disagree with you and laugh at your lack of reason and compromise. So what did you want to debate?
DLS8K said:
You could debate me anywhere, anytime, on anything and I wouldn't be afraid. As for your posts and your opinion to my posts: You can disagree with my posts because that is your right. I can also disagree with your posts because that is my right. You can call my posts spineless conjecture and I can call your posts extremist and one dimensional. As for your personal attack on me in regards to my education......I graduated college with a better GPA than our president.

As for your point you were trying to make which was that Bush is not responsible for the insurgency I assume, I never thought he was. Therefore, me debating that would have been pointless. The country is at war with us and eachother and it is the result of an upstart government struggling to gain control by means of democracy (a foreign concept to that country).

I'm sure lib haters don't laugh at you.........but those of us who aren't such extremists may disagree with you and laugh at your lack of reason and compromise. So what did you want to debate?

Okay, so you didn't disagree with my premise. Why then did you even bother posting? You're just trying to pick a fight? Pretty silly if you ask me. You still haven't contributed to this thread. All you've done is color it with your silly self-aggrandizement: [whiny voice] "I graduated college with a better GPA than our President!"

Big whoop, so did I. What is your point? Do you think that makes you smarter or better than him? Of course, measuring intelligence by GPA is just about the silliest thing anybody could do. After all, if you went to a local community college that doesn't have the high academic standards of YALE UNIVERSITY (where Bush attended), I would immediately question whether or not your GPA is sufficient to judge the quality of your education as compared to an Ivy League school.

In fact, your cheap shot from the cheap seats at Bush's GPA might indicate an educational version of penis envy, since I'm sure you didn't attend Yale. In addition, if you took courses such as golf, music appreciation, and underwater basket weaving, I would subsequently regard your "higher GPA than Bush" with an even higher raised eyebrow.

Moreover, many schools use multiple choice tests as a measure of knowledge, while others use essay, and still others use a combination of those. Some people don't test well in certain situations and with certain stimuli, and sometimes grades don't tell the whole story.

Furthermore, I easily dispute the notion that education indicates intelligence. Some of the highest educated, rich people in this country are total dolts. Examples would be Al Gore, Ted Kennedy, Jon Carry (John Kerry).

I have news for you, there are thousands of people smarter than Bush. But you liberals seem to think that being smarter automatically makes you better than someone else. That's foolish thinking, and stems from an elitist, humanistic failure to understand that we are all God's children created in His image. Christians can understand that, which is why we don't need someone to be smart in order to think that they are special.

I'll tell you this: I'll take Bush and his pedestrian GPA and his principles and his backbone over any of your elitist, namby-pamby, wimpy, spineless liberal castrati any day. The man isn't special because of his intellect. He's special because of his guts and beliefs. He's not afraid of people like you and the rest of the liberal elites, and that really pisses you guys off.

And that makes me laugh.
fossten said:
Okay, so you didn't disagree with my premise. Why then did you even bother posting? You're just trying to pick a fight? Pretty silly if you ask me. You still haven't contributed to this thread. All you've done is color it with your silly self-aggrandizement: [whiny voice] "I graduated college with a better GPA than our President!"

Big whoop, so did I. What is your point? Do you think that makes you smarter or better than him? Of course, measuring intelligence by GPA is just about the silliest thing anybody could do. After all, if you went to a local community college that doesn't have the high academic standards of YALE UNIVERSITY (where Bush attended), I would immediately question whether or not your GPA is sufficient to judge the quality of your education as compared to an Ivy League school.

In fact, your cheap shot from the cheap seats at Bush's GPA might indicate an educational version of penis envy, since I'm sure you didn't attend Yale. In addition, if you took courses such as golf, music appreciation, and underwater basket weaving, I would subsequently regard your "higher GPA than Bush" with an even higher raised eyebrow.

Moreover, many schools use multiple choice tests as a measure of knowledge, while others use essay, and still others use a combination of those. Some people don't test well in certain situations and with certain stimuli, and sometimes grades don't tell the whole story.

Furthermore, I easily dispute the notion that education indicates intelligence. Some of the highest educated, rich people in this country are total dolts. Examples would be Al Gore, Ted Kennedy, Jon Carry (John Kerry).

I have news for you, there are thousands of people smarter than Bush. But you liberals seem to think that being smarter automatically makes you better than someone else. That's foolish thinking, and stems from an elitist, humanistic failure to understand that we are all God's children created in His image. Christians can understand that, which is why we don't need someone to be smart in order to think that they are special.

I'll tell you this: I'll take Bush and his pedestrian GPA and his principles and his backbone over any of your elitist, namby-pamby, wimpy, spineless liberal castrati any day. The man isn't special because of his intellect. He's special because of his guts and beliefs. He's not afraid of people like you and the rest of the liberal elites, and that really pisses you guys off.

And that makes me laugh.
I graduated from the University of Iowa.....not a community college. I do not care that I did not go to Yale as I had no desire to do so. I have no envy for someone who went to a more prestigious school and it is foolish of you to accuse me of that. Also, I did not take easy classes...........unless you consider a degree in Communication Studies and a degree in Business Administration easy.

I will admit that grades don't tell the whole story. I have a step-sister who is going to school for finance and she is book smart. However, she lacks any common sense.....therefore negating any academic accomplishments.

One thing you should know about me. I am not a liberal so the fact that you keep calling me one makes you sound rather imprudent. I support the candidate that represents my values the best. There is such a thing as voting with your head and not your party affiliation.

I support the citizens of this country, our troops fighting for this country, and democracy. I do not support the President. If that makes me a liberal, than that is your right to choose to call me such.
DLS8K said:
I graduated from the University of Iowa.....not a community college. I do not care that I did not go to Yale as I had no desire to do so. I have no envy for someone who went to a more prestigious school and it is foolish of you to accuse me of that. Also, I did not take easy classes...........unless you consider a degree in Communication Studies and a degree in Business Administration easy.

I will admit that grades don't tell the whole story. I have a step-sister who is going to school for finance and she is book smart. However, she lacks any common sense.....therefore negating any academic accomplishments.

One thing you should know about me. I am not a liberal so the fact that you keep calling me one makes you sound rather imprudent. I support the candidate that represents my values the best. There is such a thing as voting with your head and not your party affiliation.

I support the citizens of this country, our troops fighting for this country, and democracy. I do not support the President. If that makes me a liberal, than that is your right to choose to call me such.

The reason I used a comparison of your school to Yale was to illustrate the pettiness and childishness of your little GPA cheap shot at Bush. How does it feel to be on the defensive? You still haven't acknowledged that it was a silly cheap shot, so I am left to assume that you can't come clean about it because you know it was uncalled for.

Interesting that you equate the word 'liberal' with party affiliation. I never said anything about party, yet you did. Could it be that you acknowledge that liberals are Democrats?

Yes, not supporting the President in time of WAR does make you a liberal, and unpatriotic to boot, because you try to parse supporting the troops while bashing the President. Sorry, you can't have it both ways. If you support the troops, then you support the President, who is the commander in chief, and you support victory in Iraq, instead of clamoring for retreat and surrender. Furthermore, the very notion that we shouldn't continue to press for victory in Iraq IS A LIBERAL NOTION.

When you fail to support the President in time of war, you undermine the morale of the country and the troops, while encouraging an enemy which has been aided and abetted by our mainstream media, who also wants us to lose. Not only that, but you say you support democracy, but you do not support the war in Iraq, so you do not support helping this fledgling democracy get off the ground. Sounds like you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Again, another characteristic of a liberal.

As far as Bush's smarts go, let's list his accomplishments, shall we?

1. Scored 1206 on his SATs
2. Graduated from Yale and Harvard Business School with a 3.6 GPA
3. Flew fighter jets during Vietnam
4. Successful business owner
5. Governor of Texas from two landslide victories in elections
6. Successful in preventing any other attacks on American soil since 9/11
7. Carried both houses in midterm elections in 2002
8. Received more votes than any other President in U.S. history when he defeated Kerry by almost 4 million votes

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