This guy sounds like a complete loser... out to just make money....
I've watched the prices on ebay for the last 8 years.
one thing is for certian, things are ALOT more expensive than they used to be.
"used" to be able to find good deals on ebay now poeple like dana/ed/lincolnF-A_G the starting prices or reserve prices are insane.
He's out there fishing for HID bulbs and rear neons, soaking them up from the market, then putting like 175.00 starting bids on the bulbs and like 139 starting bids on the ballast.
people like that drive the prices up.
There is another "HID hunter" that does the same thing, scoops them up because he's got "disposable income" and then resells them when mark 8 owners are "in need" at a much higher price than he purchased them for.
What Jamie does is different, and ethical.
he buys cars outright, takes them apart and ebays the parts.
He doesnt turn ebay into a SPIN CYCLE of parts purchase from ebay marked up and resold on ebay.
sorry for the novel
(falls off the soap box)
I've seen alot of 9849856#'sDana's stuff on ebay, all of it.. usually has "too high" of a starting price for me to mess with.