Economic recovery package before Congress"would provide massive fiscal stimulus."

Questioning ones honesty...out right calling them a liar is something else.

Yeah, in most cases in this forum in regards to many more liberal thinking people, it is called "accurate".

Your dishonest double standard is appalling. :rolleyes:

Liberals can smear people and mischaracterize people (like you habitually do) but when conservatives call them on it, it is "rude" and "uncalled for" and somehow justifiable to be outraged about.
Diggging and twisting is one thing.
Questioning ones honesty...out right calling them a liar is something else.
foxpaws has never done that...and I doubt she ever will even if she thinks a agument is based in fallacy
So you have a problem with people calling other people liars.

Mick Jagger said:
That''s a lie. The report says no such thing.

That''s another lie. The report says no such thing.
Where was your outrage over this wacko?
Explain to us how the government is stopping Macy's from creating new jobs.
Straw man argument.

However, it is instructive that $800 billion in new spending, which means $800 billion LESS IN THE MARKET, will increase interest rates and slow growth by creating more competition for money.

Show me in times of history where $800 billion in government pork projects boosted private sector jobs.

Hey, you could start with the Soviet Union...
So you have a problem with people calling other people liars.

Where was your outrage over this wacko?

You forget his double standard. He is only ever outraged over the actions of conservatives on this forum. Liberals can do or say whatever they want about whoever they want and it is perfectly acceptable. Standards only every apply to conservatives.
You forget his double standard. He is only ever outraged over the actions of conservatives on this forum. Liberals can do or say whatever they want about whoever they want and it is perfectly acceptable. Standards only every apply to conservatives.
That's true. That's why it's okay for him to call Bristol Palin a whore. :rolleyes:
As is aptly illustrated in this thread and in the economy over the last twenty years is the "experts", journalist, and politicians don't know jack. They babble, point fingers and make predictions just like us. Some end up being correct, just like a room full of monkeys typing eventually creating a novel, while others miss the boat.This doesn't make them prophets for the future.

Posting the opinions of others who voice what you promote doesn't validate your opinions. All of our opinions are just as valid as those of BO, congressmen, and media bobble heads. So don't just post here, email your "representatives" in government every day and help return the control of the government to the prople who have to live with the results of their self-serving activities.

We allow these people to take our money, write laws to keep the elites in power and don't even know what they are up to. Don't you think you should spend as much time watching your congressman as you spend watching sports? We make a fuss about ball players and steroids but don't seem to care about crooks in politics, hows that for priorities?
So don't just post here, email your "representatives" in government every day and help return the control of the government to the people who have to live with the results of their self-serving activities.
I just started doing that, yesterday. I went to my Senators' websites, read their latest press releases, then sent him and her a short message of approval or disapproval.

Yesterday, for example, I respectfully bitched at Senator John Cornyn from Texas for proposing an amendment to the Economic Recovery Package for money to buy military equipment. I asked him to focus on ways to effectively and quickly stimulate aggregate consumer spending. I recommended the three tiered consumer coupon idea advanced by Philip Geier. Read more about his idea at

Let them know America is watch them, just like Big Brother watches us.
$800 billion LESS IN THE MARKET, will increase interest rates
The Bill will have both positive and negative effects on the economy. The positive economic effects of the Bill will far outweigh its negative impact.
You forget his double standard. He is only ever outraged over the actions of conservatives on this forum. Liberals can do or say whatever they want about whoever they want and it is perfectly acceptable. Standards only every apply to conservatives.

Mick baby is your thorn not mine.
I wouldnt waste my time with him.

I didnt think you he not on your ignore diaper? ;)
Mr Jagger just needs to learn how to engage people - he does what you do to me sometimes Cal -(but, you have gotten much better - thanks, it makes it a lot easier, and more 'human' for me, I really do appreciate it). However Mick takes it to a much greater degree.... He talks 'at' people instead of 'to' people.. Can you see though, he is doing much better lately... :)

"...even Foxpaws has her own special style of digging it in and twisting..."

Yeah, but with Foxy, I gotta confess that I'm in...No, I'll just say 'In Like'. If Mary Matalin can put up with Skeletor, well what the Hay!

And KS - why thank you, and heck - what the hay - I have always liked being in the hay - should we go down the matalin/carville route, turned 180? Could be fun!!!! And, twisting... well that can be quite stimulating... ;)

And Matalin is a classy lady - thanks for choosing her instead of some other right wing feminine spokesperson.
The Bill will have both positive and negative effects on the economy. The positive economic effects of the Bill will far outweigh its negative impact.
First of all, now you're backpedaling. Please allow me a moment to "ell oh ell."

Now then.

There is no way you can substantiate the second part of your post. It's merely conjecture.

You're only half right. The bill has tax cuts and pork in it. Cutting taxes and cutting spending will have NOTHING BUT POSITIVE effects on the economy. So if you remove the pork, voila!

Or, alternatively, please explain to me how pork stimulates economic growth.
substantiate the second part of your post.

A 1.2 percent to 3.6 percent increase in GDP (relative to the CBO baseline forecast of GDP) for the fourth quarter of 2010, plus 1.3 million to 3.9 more million jobs (than the baseline forecast of total jobs) for the fourth quarter of 2010, are positive economic benefits that will greatly outweigh the negative economical impact of a measly one to three tenths of one percent decrease in the CBO base line estimate of GDP for the fourth quarter of 2019.
Cutting taxes and cutting spending will have NOTHING BUT POSITIVE effects on the economy.
How much do you and your Republican buddies want to cut Federal spending on Defense and Social Security?
You have yet to prove that there actually is any pork in the Bill.

PS: Define "pork" for us.

This statement implies that you think all of the spending in the bill is justified, well informed, and needed.

So which version do you support, the nightmare from the House, or the abomination from the Senate?
A 1.2 percent to 3.6 percent increase in GDP (relative to the CBO baseline forecast of GDP) for the fourth quarter of 2010, plus 1.3 million to 3.9 more million jobs (than the baseline forecast of total jobs) for the fourth quarter of 2010, are positive economic benefits that will greatly outweigh the negative economical impact of a measly one to three tenths of one percent decrease in the CBO base line estimate of GDP for the fourth quarter of 2019.
Those are assumptions. Not facts.
How much do you and your Republican buddies want to cut Federal spending on Defense and Social Security?
Straw man argument again. I never said anything about having Republican buddies. Lumping my preferences in with theirs is disingenuous and I've never indicated anything that would lead you to that assumption. I'm discussing concepts and principles, not what the Republicans are doing.

But if you really want to bark up that tree, why don't you tell me what percentage of the Fed budget goes to entitlements.
Straw man argument again. I never said anything about having Republican buddies. Lumping my preferences in with theirs is disingenuous and I've never indicated anything that would lead you to that assumption. I'm discussing concepts and principles, not what the Republicans are doing.

But if you really want to bark up that tree, why don't you tell me what percentage of the Fed budget goes to entitlements.

I read you to mean you really don't want less Federal Spending.

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