I was simply trying to say that religion should not be brought into politics. Too many wars have been fought over religion. Too many innocent civilians have died because of religious differences. We need to stop the bloodshed.
First, let me say that although I didn't quote the first half of your response, I do respect you for having written it and not stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the information provided.
With that said, please, don't use the "too many people have died because of religion" line. That's such a silly statement, yet it's used so often.
How many people died in World War I? 19,800,000
World War II? 62,500,000
How many people died because of Stalin? 43,000,000
Mao Ze-Dong in China? 49,000,000
Pol Pot killed 1,200,000
Saddam Hussein killed 600,000 Kurds.
Where's the religion? I just put together a short list of 176,100,000 people killed in conflict that had NOTHING to do with religion within the past century.
You're repeating a false statement, one that isn't challenged enough. Religion isn't the source of conflict in the world. Communism, which bans religion, has killed far more people within one century than religion.
No. You're interpretation of Christianity is absolutely incorrect. You're not supposed to turn the other cheek to people who are trying to kill you. Christianity isn't a suicide pact.Which, reminds me, aren't Christians taught to turn the other cheek, and to forgive and forget? Why do so many Christians support the war on terror. Should we not turn the other cheek or forgive them?