thanks guys
I checked out that link, oldschool, when i was googling hood release cable mark vii- lol.
thanks man.
There was def. a front end accident years back on the mark-however, i visable see the kink in the cable-near where the cable meets the latch to release and grab the hood.
the cable will still release it back has no tension to come back-so i have been using a screw driver to push on the metal notch where the hood grabs on the release mechanism.
My charging issues are solved-posting in a few min. on the other thread.
I still need the cables though as preventative maint-
And i still need teh hood release cable for this specific aplication before I go rigging something up-still trying here.
I can close the hood now-and open it-it just requires me holding a stupid flashlight in the dark and pressing on the notch on the latch.