No one should have had to tackle the nut in Arizona.
I agree, no one should have had to tackle the shooter.
Someone should have shot him before he was able to kill hurt anyone else and that little girl should still be alive.
Possibly be alive. Here's the big problem that legal CCW people understand: A crime has to be in progress before they can legally act. You shoot someone that's just brandishing a firearm, you go down for murder. Of course, there's always the whole "imminent threat" and what someone may perceive one to be, but unless there is other evidence of this threat that comes out later, the CCW holder is going away for murder if he/she shoots the bad guy before the first shot is fired by said bad guy.
There was a CCW holder that came out of Safeway after the firing started. Apparently, he had his hand on his handgun and he had clicked the safety off, ready to pull it. But by this time, the shooter had been disarmed and someone else was holding the Glock with the breech in the locked open position. Thankfully, he used his 8 brain cells and didn't draw/shoot the guy holding the shooter's weapon. The anti-gunners really should understand that not everyone who has a firearm is a loony hell bent on mass murder. More-so, legal CCW people. Now, don't get me started on the no license CCW that Arizona has adopted. I think it's the most idiotic thing ever.
It's a sad day when so many citizens were killed and no one had the means to defend themselves.
People always have a means to defend themselves. The problem is, most lack the experience, know-how and most importantly, the mind set. It takes a different mindset for a sane person to knowingly kill another human, even in the defense of themselves or someone else.
Religion arguments aside, we as humans have been indoctrinated since we were kids with the whole "Johnny, when you kill someone you go to hell" speech. As such, most people can't do it. Never mind what the original text actually says "Thou shalt not commit murder".
Ya right,
He got off 30 rounds before you could say boo.
So, are we to blame the firearm or the human behind it? This is what anti-gunners don't understand. It's NOT the gun, it's the person who does the killing. The gun is a tool. Be it 10 rounds (you can kill a lot of people with 10 rounds, you know) or be it 100 rounds. If a loon is hell bent on killing people, they will do it, be it with 10 rounds or 100. You take away guns, the loonies will find something else to kill with.
Does a firearm make it easier to kill large amounts of people? Of course. But then, so does a Lincoln Town car plowing into a crowd at 60mph.
That 30 bullet clip is designed so you can kill more people more quickly before reloading.
No. Sorry. That 30 rounder is designed to
hold 30 bullets. It is not designed to kill more people quickly. Again, it's part of a tool.
It'a a phallacy that someone with a gun will react fast enough to get the shooter before he's done.
Wanna bet? I can draw, range, aim and send a round into a target in less than a second. Now, granted, I read a few pamphlets on the subject, but most civilians who are serious about carrying for protection do practice drawing and aiming. It's the amateurs that concern me. The ones who have a CCW and go shooting once a year and the cops who get "qualified" twice a year.
But again, unless there are extenuating circumstances, a legal CCW really has to wait until the first bullet is fired by the bad guy before he can legally shoot the bad guy. Home defense situations aside.
Maybe sometimes but it's not some cure like gun lovers would like to believe.
I guess not.