You know I like you. I've always liked you even though we've never met. Hell, I don't even know what you look like but it doesn't matter.
What you don't understand... what I can't believe you don't
Our enemy is a sect of people that take the Japanese kamikaze to a whole new level.
They fervently believe that if they die for the honor of Islam, they will be rewarded in heaven with 70 virgins.
Do you understand that? They don't value life and liberty like we do.
They don't give two-shiits if they die as long as they take one of us along with them.
Israel understands this and will attack in the next six months to prevent Israel's extermination.
I typed this with a heavy heart. I am pretty disappointed with you NOT understanding our adversaries and the dangers that lie ahead. And my feelings includes Obama, who I feel is the greatest threat to our liberty this Country has ever faced. Just being honest.
Flame away. I don't give a crap.