Engine noise with short vids


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Ok guys for the last few weeks I really have been thinkin of gettin rid of the Mark for soemthin else, but I just can't. When the car was drivin right I loved it, had some plans to do somethings to it and all.
Well I have a belt squeal, as some know I posted bout it. Well I ordered a tensioner should be here soon. Now I think the squeal is the alternator. I replaced it last year when it went bad. Also have an annoying sound kind like a tick. Well here are my vids, where should I begin to even pin point teh problems and fix this thing?


Your engine is making some nasty sounds, and it really doesn't sound like a timing chain. Have you ever run the car with no serpentine belt on it?
Nope never have run with no belt.
Goin to work today the water pump seized so I towed it into work. Monday new pump, new alt, new belt and new belt tensioner
Your 2nd vid sounds abit like this one:


Well, get those other bits taken care of, get a stethoscope and see if you can pin point the ticking noise.

That video is mine and I still haven't found the source of the noise.:( I've had the passenger valve cover off and all looks well. The driver's cover is next, maybe this weekend. The more I listen to mine and yours it sounds like a valve train noise rocker,floater,spring etc.....
That video is mine and I still haven't found the source of the noise.:( I've had the passenger valve cover off and all looks well. The driver's cover is next, maybe this weekend. The more I listen to mine and yours it sounds like a valve train noise rocker,floater,spring etc.....

Let me know what you find.
How difficult is it remove the valve covers? I need to replace teh gaskets.
its normal, its the only diesel markviii lol, the pass valve cover is fairly easy its the drivers that everyone has problems with
I have the same clicking sound on my mark(as the you tube video) as well on the passenger side. Its throwing a cylinder 3 misfire what codes are you getting? I've never gotten deep into the engine, but I think next week end I will. Let me know how it turns out.

I checked the compression and it was low as well whats compression like?
have you shredded any belts prior to it making that noise? i had a similar noise with my thunderbird after i shredded a belt, it ended up being i had rubber from the belt behind the water pump pulley causing strange noises.
I was looking at a cheap Mark VIII a couple of months ago, and it made this same exact noise. No idea what it was, my guess was a bad waterpump.
have you shredded any belts prior to it making that noise? i had a similar noise with my thunderbird after i shredded a belt, it ended up being i had rubber from the belt behind the water pump pulley causing strange noises.

Nope, this is the first belt I am replacing in the year I have owned the car.
Used one a while ago sounds like it is from the rear passanger valve cover and some of the noise is also in the intake.
I would start the car up with no sepentine belt on. That will quickly deduce weather a drive accesory is manking any of those sounds.
Car never backfired...
I will start up tonight before I replace the waterpump and belt tensioner.
my waterpump made terrible noises like that. I thought it was the alternator bearing but it wasnt. So i replaced the alternator and the tensioner arm. It ended up being that my waterpump was on its way out. It seems unlikely that its an internal problem. Like the others said take that belt off and it theres no noise replace that water pump.
I've got the same knock sound like described in this threads

it sounds from the top of the engine, engine running good.
I've took off the valve covers but everything seems looks good except cracked piece of tensioner's plastic strip.
The car was overheated a little bit and I've changed the thermostat, coolant and oil right before that sound.

In threads mentioned above I could not find the decision.
Does anyone know what is the reason of this issue?

p.s. it's a mark 96

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