engine problems, need help, long thread but any info appreciated

Yeah Lincoln is out to con the 245k people who bought an LS during the 7 years that it was in production. :p

It's just a :q:q:q:qty design. I have an idea that most of it is heat related, but to prove that would probably take years of driving and testing. And by the time any useful info came around from testing on several different vehicles there would be too few LS' on the road to matter anymore. We just gotta live with it... or pass these turds on to the next sucka who doesn't know any better. :p
The Jag engines are way different. These have a Jag based block, that's where the Jag stuff ends and the Ford stuff begins.
Wow. The dealer still has my dad's car, but at least he's got a rental car to get him around to his appointment's (disabled veteran). This F@cking car has basically been at the dealer since December! They have NO idea what is going on with the car, and I'm worried that they're going to try to charge us 3 months of labor for some tech to kick tires...

At this point, I think our best bet might be to find a way to reset the computer/clear codes in the parking lot of a dealership and trade it in. Shady practice, but it's better for a dealer to take the hit on a lemon than have a disabled veteran on fixed income pay WAY too much for a hunk of metal.
i got the car yesterday and its working now, i guess it was the computer after all. it feels good to have my ls working after all that hassle, i think its worth it though. love that ride.

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