but Dobsons infuence is waning and Obama will get more young Evangelicals supporting him than McCain.
Obama is responding to this opening , stimulating debate, desecularizing himself as people both democrat and republican get to know him better, whereas McCain doesn't even want to discuss it publically while trying to mend fences with the nose holding old guard who are now yesterdays news.
The rugged individualism tenet you subscribe to means
people can form their own ideas and conclusions beyond the help offered by the self appointed telling them what and how to think.
Just as you feel Dobson is right other Evangelicals especially younger ones "the rugged individuals" have their own views of him not nessesarily like yours.
The conservatives will not be able to pin the "secular liberal" tag on Obama as they have successfuly done to DuKakis, Gore and Kerry in previous elections.
Do I sense some dejection here as to how things have unfolded, ie Obama treated like a rock star, his co opting and neutralizing the religious, taking ground that should be McCains, but that McCain seems uncomfortable embracing.
Obama's playing a very hardball game here defying the conventional wisdom.
His upcoming tour of Europe and the Middle East will generate daily favorable headlines in all the worlds press and media, allowing him to set the tone, leaving McCain to react in the small print.
People will start to think that with this much good will towards Obama
from other countries America's standing and security in the world will improve.
He'll hammer away at McCain as a Bush 3rd term which works well especially with Bush's immense unpopularity where 75% of the people rightly and wrongly blame him for the countries troubles.
I think you're already resigned to an Obama victory.
As an Evangelical did you ever think that fellow Evangelical Huckabee, not being able to win himself, would scuttle Romney, giving the nomination to McCain who winds up losing a good part of his base to Obama who comes out as the more religious guy.
The Lord(if there is a personal one)works in mysterious ways.