Exhaust is on

eL eS said:
I hope you do not mind me piggy backing here but for the longest time I have had vibration under my car when stopped at lights and such. I think I might have narrowed it down to the exhaust. However, it does not seem to be touching anything. I only noticed the problem because I could see the post cat 02 sensor cable oscillating and from there I was barely able to see the oscillation of the exhaust pipes between the cats and the X pipe. I put my foot on the clamp and could feel it cyclically vibrating. The right resonators do not appear to be hung to the same height and I am wondering if this sounds typical of a misaligned exhaust. Thank you in advance.

If you're getting vibration in the car it's probably because the exhaust is touching the body somewhere. I had this problem when I first put my Magnaflow's on. I crawled up underneath the car and started loosening the clamps. I made sure that I had at least 1/2" or better clearance all around where the pipes were coming down the middle of the car. After that, it took about 85% of the vibration away. I replaced the rubber muffler donuts where the muffs hang and cut more of the valance away from the exhaust tips. The tips were vibrating against valance. This took all of my vibration away.

Check the clearance on the pipes from the cat to the tips. That's more than likely your problem.
GrayGhost1 said:

If you're getting vibration in the car it's probably because the exhaust is touching the body somewhere. I had this problem when I first put my Magnaflow's on. I crawled up underneath the car and started loosening the clamps. I made sure that I had at least 1/2" or better clearance all around where the pipes were coming down the middle of the car. After that, it took about 85% of the vibration away. I replaced the rubber muffler donuts where the muffs hang and cut more of the valance away from the exhaust tips. The tips were vibrating against valance. This took all of my vibration away.

Check the clearance on the pipes from the cat to the tips. That's more than likely your problem.

Super. This has been driving me nuts for well over 2 years. I have really been able to catch the exhaust hitting the chasis but I am confident now this has to be the culprit. I have tried leaving the car in gear and setting the emergency brake but it is such a transient problem that it is hard catch. I am usually at a stop light when it happens and by the time I pull over and set the car for inspection it has subsided.

i am pretty sure all of this started after I had the Magnaflow system installed a few years ago. I did have a problem with the valance and tweaked that issue way back in the day. I will lift the car this weekend and unbolt everything and see if I can adjust the position. In regards to the doughtnuts are you talking about the rubber isolators on the hangars?
eL eS said:
In regards to the doughtnuts are you talking about the rubber isolators on the hangars?
Yes. I bought a set from Ford Parts Network and installed them. One caveat to that is that if you have old rubber hangers the new ones will pull the muffs up. I bent the metal hangers a bit so that the tips would clear the rear valance.
GrayGhost1 said:
Yes. I bought a set from Ford Parts Network and installed them. One caveat to that is that if you have old rubber hangers the new ones will pull the muffs up. I bent the metal hangers a bit so that the tips would clear the rear valance.

Thanks for the tip... pardon he pun :) I will be happy to have this behind me, again pardon the pun. I know it doesn’t have much impact on the overall worthiness of the car more of a nuisance than anything but a problem I have wanted to solve for a long time. I can feel the vibration in the floor, pedals, steering wheel etc. There are things in this world that should vibrate andthings that should not the LS is in the should not category.
Black03 said:
Well, I now have 2.5" pipes, removed the resonators, added Magnaflow X-Pipe, and dual Flowmaster Super 40's.

To bo honest it doesn't sound like I thought it would, or wanted it to. I thought it was going to be louder. It seems to be just a little louder than stock.

Looks like I'll be getting some cutouts to get the sound I want.
i went with the super 40 muffler and 3.5 single on my stepside and i feel the same way you do,thought it would be louder. :Bang :Bang :Bang :q
I just put the Borla Kit on my 00 LS, Sounds wicked from stock, trying to get my damn camera to work for a vid myself. Again though, I was racing around town in the S-10 Last night, and the chevelle today, got into the LS this afternoon, man was it quiet!!
whatsupadrian said:
It will get louder, you need to burn up the glass in the mufflers. I don't know how long it takes to break in mufflers and burn up the glass but it will get louder. Also the x-pipe should have muffled it a little aswell.

Some of us DON"T HAVE GLASS in the Mufflers... :N


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