Extreme cold ETC malfunction


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 23, 2007
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SE Chicagoland
Today after work it was -7F. I started my '03 LS 3.9 V8 and the throttle would not function at all, it was stuck idling at 500rpm, and the message center read something like ETC failure. I let it idle fro about 30 seconds, turned it off, then restarted it. All's been fine since then. Anyone else have this experience or is a sign of an impending ETC failure?
It's probably your coils, Is your service engine light on? The coils are covered under 07M07 thru Lincoln up to 100,000 miles. That's what i just went thru. If your service light is on go to Autozone or your local auto parts store and get your code for free.
Doesn't sound like a coil issue to me, this time. Sounds like the throttle valve actually stuck.
It's probably your coils
Thanks for the reply. I've just been through that. There's no CE light and no misfires. #3 and #7 coils were bad and I did get ETC failure messages then. I'm sure thats not the issue now, as it was malfunction at startup.
That's what I tend to think. Has this issue been seen before?
I've not heard of it, but when it gets ass-bitin' cold out there, all sorts of bad things can happen. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it were just that the throttle plate froze shut: if the ETC tried to move it and couldn't, the ETC would go into failsafe, but the engine heat, even at idle, could have been enough to un-freeze the throttle.
I bought the two replacement coils myself. I was hoping to have 3-4 bad ones before taking to the dealer since it's one time only. That way I could put all the new ones on the driver's side, since it's a bigger pain to R&R those coils.

It was bitter cold all day and night. The car started and ran fine twice today. Time will tell.

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