Fallen members proposal


Well-Known LVC Member
Jun 28, 2004
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I have been throwing this around for the past year or so and after emailing back and fourth with Debbi and her idea i believe we should start a thread on this. Over the past two years i know of two great people that have passed away and there is only a sticky on Ray. Every time i log on to this site i am always bothered by the fact there is nothing on Dave (Jibit) or him ever mentioned except when i post a happy birthday for him. Dave was one of the first members on this board when Joey started it and i think we should pay a tribute to him and others who are gone but not forgotten.
Agree'd.. should make an "all inclusive" sticky to pay homage to all those that have made it to heaven before we did.
RIP Jibit

I've never met Dave, but I hear he was a nice guy.

I've never met Ray in person either, but I liked Ray. Always there to answer the phone when someone didn't know what color a blue wire was, etc.

I feel for their families (as much as I can feel, I suppose).

But do we need more stickies? Aren't there enough stickies cluttering up the first 10 posts on every page?

But what really annoys me? How Ray's brother and his family are riding the Ray name. I mean, seriously! You really have to have a use name that tells everyone you're Ray's Family? Or Ray's idiot 17 year old brother? (Sorry, but the kid is dumb.)

And then expect everyone to be nice to you just because of that? YOU ARE NOT RAY! Ray was a great guy! Stop riding his "fame".

Hell, one of my distant ancestors was Alexander the Great. But yo don't see me creating a username like "Alexander the Great's great great great great great great great great, twice removed, great great great 16th cousin's grandson"
Hell, one of my distant ancestors was Alexander the Great. But yo don't see me creating a username like "Alexander the Great's great great great great great great great great, twice removed, great great great 16th cousin's grandson"[/Q

maybe not a username but u did just name drop.. i like you more now that you are famous

I've never met Dave, but I hear he was a nice guy.

I've never met Ray in person either, but I liked Ray. Always there to answer the phone when someone didn't know what color a blue wire was, etc.

I feel for their families (as much as I can feel, I suppose).

But do we need more stickies? Aren't there enough stickies cluttering up the first 10 posts on every page?

But what really annoys me? How Ray's brother and his family are riding the Ray name. I mean, seriously! You really have to have a use name that tells everyone you're Ray's Family? Or Ray's idiot 17 year old brother? (Sorry, but the kid is dumb.)

And then expect everyone to be nice to you just because of that? YOU ARE NOT RAY! Ray was a great guy! Stop riding his "fame".

Hell, one of my distant ancestors was Alexander the Great. But yo don't see me creating a username like "Alexander the Great's great great great great great great great great, twice removed, great great great 16th cousin's grandson"

The only sticky on the General Discussion forum is the one on Ray. I don't see the problem with Ray's family carring on part of his name. it's their decision to do so not ours. And i believe to call Ray's family especally his brother out is very direspectful. The question was if anyone thought it would be a good idea. I have already asked Joey about it and he said it would be ok to do.
The only sticky on the General Discussion forum is the one on Ray.

True, but you miss the point I was trying to make.

I don't see the problem with Ray's family carring on part of his name. it's their decision to do so not ours.

This is true. It is their right to do so, (shameless as it may be) and it is my right to ridicule them for it. Simple as that.

And i believe to call Ray's family especally his brother out is very direspectful.

Again, my prerogative to do so. And his brother is just plain dumb and I'm not the only one who thinks that. Can't help it if it's true. What you may call disrespectful, I may call as I see it. I respected Ray. Doesn't mean I have to extend the same courtesy to his family. I suppose I would have, had they not so shamelessly ridden his fame.

The question was if anyone thought it would be a good idea. I have already asked Joey about it and he said it would be ok to do.

As long as Joey allows it, then go to town with it. I'm sure all the new members will post about how great Dave was, and how he helped them out when they were in a bind... or, they may just say "Who the eff was such and such? I better start posting my question about opening the door to my new lincoln".

And isn't it a bit disrespectful that you only seem to only remember these two guys?

People die. Learn to live with it. Once dead, they won't care if you remember them or not. No matter how much you may feel good about "remembering" them.
True, but you miss the point I was trying to make.

And isn't it a bit disrespectful that you only seem to only remember these two guys?

People die. Learn to live with it. Once dead, they won't care if you remember them or not. No matter how much you may feel good about "remembering" them.

I think your missing the point i was trying to make about make a memoral site for not just those two but for others as well. Yes people do die and since you have no idea who i am i can't imagine how you could tell me to deal with it plus it's not about making me feel good and before you decide to respond back to me you should know that Debbi was the one that gave me the idea. It seems to me all your trying to do is stirr up some pointless :q:q:q:q over an idea. This thread was not intended to become a pissing match
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I think your missing the point i was trying to make about make a memoral site for not just those two but for others as well.

I thought this was a car related community, not a memorial site. Silly me.

and since you have no idea who i am

Good thing I don't care, then.

i can't imagine how you could tell me to deal with it plus it's not about making me feel good

How I could tell you to deal with it? Simple. I'll repeat. Deal with it.

and before you decide to respond back to me you should know that Debbi was the one that gave me the idea.

Uh-huh. And your point being....

It seems to me all your trying to do is stirr up some pointless :q:q:q:q over an idea. This thread was not intended to become a pissing match

So... Just because I voice my opinion, you call it stirring the pot? Talk about stirring the pot to suit your views.

I do believe that it was YOU who made it into a pissing match.
I really wouldn't care either way, but I feel if these people were so important to you, you shouldn't and won't forget them. Memorials and such are just superficial I think. It's a nice idea, but the fact that you've been thinking about it for a year or so shows you won't forget about him.
Wow - guys, stop please......step away from the keyboard for a second.

There are several forums on this site for cars, there are several forums on this site for everything but cars.

I think it would be very appropriate to have a forum for threads for members who have passed, each being a sticky.

Guys, we all grieve in a different way, we all have different ways of remembering loved ones that have passed.

Each and everyone of us are important to the site and when one passes, it is a great loss for us all.

A forum with a thread, being a sticky to signify when they passed, for each lost member would give this site a deeper meaning then just a car website. Like Ive always said, we are a family, we take care of ours.

Reading this hurts, lets make this a good thing and get a forum to show respect and love for our passed members. heck, I'd like to know my burn out will be left on a sticky in it too!

Lets make sure the good intentions this thread was started on stays that way, as my mama always says.....Don't make me come up there! lol

Luv ya all too much to see this kind of banter.

Get em with kindness [froggy doesn't know what that is so he gets confused], but watch out for his invincibility shield.
There is no immunity to my love ;) for my LVCers ;)

But seriously, I think it would be a respectful and caring way for us to show how much our members mean to us.

Lets bring it up in chat tonight. Use your keyboard that has only good words in it and put the meaney nasty keyboard away, save that for the political forum!!! lolol

I only got 2 hours of sleep last night so I wont last long - but see ya'll in chat!

I don't see anything wrong with the idea either, those who want to post to it can. If someone doesn't want to post to them well there are other forums on this site.
Frog i don't see how i made this into a pissing contest but if it helps you sleep better to night then fine you win i started the contest. You are entitled to your opinion and as you think it may not that good of an idea i know other think it is a good one. Especially members here that have lost loved one's on this site including myself. As pepperman said he didn't see anything wrong with it and those who want to post can.
I don't really oppose the idea, I'm just saying if people don't go along with it then don't consider it a big loss.
the f*cked up thing is.. I agree with deb..and frogman.

I know that when I die, it wont matter in the least to me if anyone remembers me as the worms crawl in and out.. it will matter not.

but while I'm living it does give me great pleasure to think that I would be remembered in such a manner.

so.. can I have my RIP sticky NOW so I can enjoy it?
even if it's chock full of "thank god that tr0ll is dead" posts, it will still mean that I made and impact..(LMAO)

and I guess Froggie dont want a RIP sticky for him, but I'm gonna make him one anyways in the unlikely event he gets to go to heaven before I do.

^not too many people shoot at me.. but those that do are pretty danged good shots.
no the banged up thing is you agree with frogman - it's only natural to agree with me hottie!!!

and yeah, I want my page too...but it might have to be in the girls girls girls forum...only the Lord knows what pics Pepps has collected of me over the years!!!! Pepps....you have NOT posted them have you!! - lolol

Frog i don't see how i made this into a pissing contest but if it helps you sleep better to night then fine you win i started the contest.

Do I get a cookie?

You are entitled to your opinion and as you think it may not that good of an idea i know other think it is a good one.

This is true. I'm entitled to my opinion, as you are to yours... silly as it may be, but eh. You ARE entitled to it, so I have nothing against that.

Especially members here that have lost loved one's on this site including myself. As pepperman said he didn't see anything wrong with it and those who want to post can.

We'll see how it turns out.

and I guess Froggie dont want a RIP sticky for him, but I'm gonna make him one anyways in the unlikely event he gets to go to heaven before I do.

I will haunt you to the day you die.

And... sorry, no such thing as heaven. Even if there was, I wouldn't want to go there. I mean, what kind of a neighborhood is heaven in, that they need to have GATES?
What if all the memorials were in a single sticky thread..?
the first post edited to suit the news of the day as needed.
comments below.
Calabrio, I was thinking the forum could be like the Memorial place (I hate the word graveyard) and each sticky would be like a headstone, name, short salutation and dates...then the posts for each person would be under their very own sticky.

heck we have a forum for everything else, even naked chicks...come guys, lets see if Joey will make it - who else thinks it would be a great way to be remembered and to remember our members once they pass?

Oh, and let's use virtual flowers and wreaths! oh! oh! oh! And let's not forget, each grave stone must have it's own name! Then, we can all gather in those threads and sing kumbaya.

Seriously, just make the damned thread in the General section already, people! Then, the Admin(s) or Mod(s) can sticky the damned thing. We don't need a complete sub-forum for two people.

And then, I'm going to suggest a sub-forum for our members' newborns! I mean, there must be balance in the Force, no?

That way, pinheads can post pictures of their kids online, so myspace won't be so overburdened by all of those paedophiles who cruise it just to find kids' pictures.

Maybe we can have a sub-forum for each of our members where they can detail their daily lives! Yes, that is a good idea. Car site turned family site. Think of all the money Joey can make off Gerber and Johnson&Johnson for the ads!

I have to ask though, and I'm being serious... How egotistical are some of you guys, that you want some online sub-forum on a car site where people will "remember" you after you keel over?
Oh, and let's use virtual flowers and wreaths! oh! oh! oh! And let's not forget, each grave stone must have it's own name! Then, we can all gather in those threads and sing kumbaya.
well it would save you from having to read and it and us from having to read your drewl ;)

Seriously, just make the damned thread in the General section already, people! Then, the Admin(s) or Mod(s) can sticky the damned thing. We don't need a complete sub-forum for two people.
do you really think that no one else from this site will pass?? Do you think YOU are immortal??? NOT

And then, I'm going to suggest a sub-forum for our members' newborns! I mean, there must be balance in the Force, no?
That way, pinheads can post pictures of their kids online, so myspace won't be so overburdened by all of those paedophiles who cruise it just to find kids' pictures.
I AGREE!!!!! GREAT IDEA FROGGIE! As it is now, new additions just get shuffled in the general forum, I think your on to something there Hottie!!!

Maybe we can have a sub-forum for each of our members where they can detail their daily lives! Yes, that is a good idea. Car site turned family site. Think of all the money Joey can make off Gerber and Johnson&Johnson for the ads!
hummmm dont we kinda do that already...then to top it off we go into chat and re-hash it! lol Now your getting with the program!!!

I have to ask though, and I'm being serious... How egotistical are some of you guys, that you want some online sub-forum on a car site where people will "remember" you after you keel over?
As egotistical as anyone who is going to have a funeral service, a grave plot, an urn....some people have friends that want to remember them....some..do... froggie..... becaue that is what it is all about, not for the ones that have passed, but for the ones that are here that cared about the ones that passed... n no matter what you do or how much of a meanie you want to be, someone right now, cares that much about you.



After all, showing earned respect is true CLASS and STYLE, and having the balls to it is ATTITUDE. Isn't that what this site is about...

no more drewl Frogman it does not look pretty on a big boy....


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