Fallen members proposal

well it would save you from having to read and it and us from having to read your drewl ;)

Drewl? WTF is drewl?

do you really think that no one else from this site will pass?? Do you think YOU are immortal??? NOT

I was born in Transylvania. You figure it out. :D

hummmm dont we kinda do that already...then to top it off we go into chat and re-hash it!

So if we do it already, what's the flipping point of doing it differently? In the past what, 2? 3? years, we're had two regulars who died. At this rate, we'll be up to 10 in another 8 years. Whopee. Let's create a dead sub-forum.

As egotistical as anyone who is going to have a funeral service, a grave plot, an urn....some people have friends that want to remember them....

Something tells me that once you keel over, you really won't give a rat's ass about who remembers you and who doesn't.

becaue that is what it is all about, not for the ones that have passed, but for the ones that are here that cared about the ones that passed...

So in the end, it only comes down to satisfying your needs of feeling all warm and fuzzy by telling the "world" how much you remember these guys. It's not enough to just quietly remember... special times with them, to yourself...? ;)

n no matter what you do or how much of a meanie you want to be, someone right now, cares that much about you.

And that's their problem, not mine.

After all, showing earned respect is true CLASS and STYLE, and having the balls to it is ATTITUDE. Isn't that what this site is about...

No. this site is about the CLASS, STYLE and ATTITUDE of the Lincoln brand. Sorry if you didn't get that memo.

no more drewl Frogman it does not look pretty on a big boy....

What... the.... Fugg... is DREWL? Seriously!

And you must'a seen me naked when I was cold... 'cause I ain't no BOY. And if you did, WTF are you doing stalking me?

Frogman, if you don't care about it, quit posting in a thread about it.

some people care about this site and it's members and realize it's the cars that brought us together, but the members keep us together.

and you know what drewl is, check you chin...

how could lill' ole me stalk a stealth master of your caliber...really now, you r just paranoid...

seriously now...
No. this site is about the CLASS, STYLE and ATTITUDE of the Lincoln brand.

The only one of the above that you have is a Lincoln.....which can easily be bought.

CLASS, STYLE and ATTITUDE well, those are things a person has and can not be bought....and you seem to be proving here that you sorely lack all three.

Again, if you don't care, then leave it alone and start your own mumbling thread....
It's spelled "drool". And what I'd be drooling over, I still don't understand. But eh.

You go head feel warm and fuzzy about remembering your good times with these two guys in your ginourmous 2 people "remembered" thread. Too bad most people won't know why you're so hell bent on the idea.

I'll remember them (well, Ray, since I never really interacted with Dave), in private.

I'm done with this thread.
that is just it marked8....we wouldn't have to search and sort thru threads, we could go to one spot, here in LVC, this site has always been more than just a car website, at least many feel that way, maybe not all
do you really think that no one else from this site will pass?? Do you think YOU are immortal??? NOT
Frogman will live forever, because Heaven won't have him and Hell's afraid he'll take over. ;)
Frogman will live forever, because Heaven won't have him and Hell's afraid he'll take over. ;)

lolol the frogman I know is not even close to hell being fearful of him. I understand and respect his feelings on this matter.

The new forum would put threads where they belong, giving more order and more importantly giving the respect and honor to those who have passed and to pass. In addition, allowing those of us who wanted to go back and visit the previous posts, re-read posts reminiscing of good times, and to add new posts as time passed. Like this Christmas party, Dave wouldn't have missed it. Actually if Dave where here, it probably would not have been postponed. Dave loved a good LVC gathering, lol ...any chance to get to see his fellow LVCers and get some good car talk along with catching up on how you and your family was doing, Dave was in 110%.

lol naaa hell ain't afraid of anyone.... let alone frogman.

and don't take that as a post challenge frogman, u know I got mad love for you.


I've never met Dave, but I hear he was a nice guy.

I've never met Ray in person either, but I liked Ray. Always there to answer the phone when someone didn't know what color a blue wire was, etc.

I feel for their families (as much as I can feel, I suppose).

But do we need more stickies? Aren't there enough stickies cluttering up the first 10 posts on every page?

But what really annoys me? How Ray's brother and his family are riding the Ray name. I mean, seriously! You really have to have a use name that tells everyone you're Ray's Family? Or Ray's idiot 17 year old brother? (Sorry, but the kid is dumb.)

And then expect everyone to be nice to you just because of that? YOU ARE NOT RAY! Ray was a great guy! Stop riding his "fame".

Hell, one of my distant ancestors was Alexander the Great. But yo don't see me creating a username like "Alexander the Great's great great great great great great great great, twice removed, great great great 16th cousin's grandson"

Frogman or toadman or whatever the heck your name is. The reason why i used Rays brother as my screen name, it was the following day when he had passed away. It was the only thing that came to my mind rite there and then. If you got a problem with thats fine. Cause all of this crap your saying on here is not hurting my feelings at all if thats what your trying to do. Im not an idiot to you mite be but i dont care what you think. Yes Ray knew these cars inside out probably more than what youll ever know but dont be hittin on me because of the screen name. If thats all u got to say to me then get a damn life and unglue yourself from the computer screen.
To the brother of Ray,
Something you have to realize is WHY Ray was at LVC.
Ray came here because we all could "say what we feel" without worrying about people that "wear their heart on their sleeves" getting all PISSY about what was said.

now, your comments above.. TRAMPLE the reason Ray even came to LVC.

you are not doing your brothers memory any service by coming here and trying to kick frogman in the nuts.

I understand WHY you created that username.
but... now.. looking back dont you think you could get a "regular" username for yourself, so that your comments stand or fall on their OWN merits?

Ray didn't need anyone fighting his battles for him. Ray will deal with frogman in his own way, in his own time, on his own terms....

Keeping Ray's memory alive is one thing, hanging from his coat tails is a different issue all together.

Ray is your brother, we got that... no disrespect to Ray.
you should do the same, and let his name stand on it's own merits.
Get your own username.. RETIRE Ray's name.
The purpose of Ray's family being on the website was to talk about cars and talk with people who knew him. I just didn't realize that talking about cars leads to dissecting screen names. If our screen names are seriously your biggest concern, then quit looking at my name, my posts or just get a life.
as much as you tell people to "get a life", maybe you should take your own advice.
They say a "fool and their lincoln are soon parted".

my first lasted over 10 years and 400,000 miles.

1st off if I was following in Ray's footsteps don't you think I wouldve had my screen name 2wykdmk8, if you know what that means. I'll retire Rays name when I'm ready to which will be never. If you don't like the name then don't look at it. It's not like I'm on here enough for you to see my screen name all the time. I don't have the time to have my face glued to a damn computer all day long. Like. Said before if you don't like the screen name OH WELL. I'm not losing sleep over it. So keep the CRYING up all u want because it's not going to change a thing.
Keep acting like a jack@ss while wearing your "ray shirt" and before long you'll be on everyones ignore list.
Ever wonder why many people don't respond to you?
co-incedence or ignore list...that is the question.
P.S. I am not crying, [edited]
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First time I've popped into this thread and I'm really disappointed.

If Joey has been contacted, it is up to him to decide.
Personally, I have no problem with the idea and think it should be implemented. The logistics of it I'll leave to the members that want to set it up and to Joey.

But come on now, stop the distasteful bickering. Shameful to read imho.

We're free specch advocates here on this site (within reason, ok) so all sides can be heard. Yes, it may lead to some pissing contests but I know myself and Joey have always put our faith in the members here to moderate their own behavior and act like adults.

I'm not going to point out the bad of this thread but let's see if a reasonable concept can be discussed civilly and implemented in a successful fashion.
Thank you Brian. Yesterday, I seriously considered ending my LVC membership. For the first time ever I was honestly ashamed to say I belonged to this internet club...but I heard Ray calling me dang crybaby (well, you know him, not exactly in those words!).

I completely agree with you, and yes Joey had been contacted and I think he is in the process of making Dave's memorial thread a sticky like Rays also.

Yes, some of the comments above disgust me, but I was not going to let a few flakes destroy what I love so much, the way this club and it's true members stick together and have due respect.

Again, thank you for stepping up and giving your 2cents.

Thank you Brian. Yesterday, I seriously considered ending my LVC membership. For the first time ever I was honestly ashamed to say I belonged to this internet club...but I heard Ray calling me dang crybaby (well, you know him, not exactly in those words!).

I completely agree with you, and yes Joey had been contacted and I think he is in the process of making Dave's memorial thread a sticky like Rays also.

Yes, some of the comments above disgust me, but I was not going to let a few flakes destroy what I love so much, the way this club and it's true members stick together and have due respect.

Again, thank you for stepping up and giving your 2cents.


Contributing your 2 cents is one thing, some who come in here act like their :q:q:q:q doesn't stink, that they should be treated as godlike since they have a following of groupies. It is a great site in spite of the cliques and post-whore groupies, yet numbers favor the people who just want to promote and help others, IF you can get past the nasty and mean members who think they can bully others. Thanks Debi, for sticking up for what you believe-respect goes to those who stand on principal.

You are a class act.
Been out of town for a while and just got a chance to read the rest of the thread and like to thank everyone who supported my idea.
As a newer member who did not get the chance to meet Ray. I think a thread for the fallen is not a bad idea.
I know as I came on here I quickly gained a respect for Ray and who he was and what he did for this forum. It sure did show me right off the bat what this forum is about. Cars, family and friends.
Maybe it should be reserved for the founders of the forum or something but I think its a good way to show folks they this is not your average 12-17yr old punks cussin and sharing porn site that you find why too much of in forums.
My two cents and I'll take a back seat and watch now.
Chromebro - the admins did make Ray and Dave's (both founders) memorial threads a sticky. I agree, something more would be in line with what I have known the true members of this site to be. Like you said, family, friends and cars. Over time, I've found it's more about friends and family, the cars just brought a bunch of really wonderful people, that I love and never would have been blessed to meet if it weren't for this site, together.

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