Fan actuator question.

then I can wait to buy the others which have not failed yet (but may soon).
be careful, this is really rolling the dice... there is some risk in letting a problem like this keep happening, every time your engine overheats, you are risking serious damage to it. hell another car would blow it head gaskets probably many times over, lucky the LS is pretty smart and does a good job protecting itself, but regardless, nobody should be relying on the car to save itself. systems mess up or fail all the time, I know I would be so mad at myself if I blew up an engine because I wanted to wait on a few hundred dollars worth of parts that I knew (or was told) that I needed.

But I do not need to be lectured by someone who is not familiar with my situation, nor told that I'm living above my station in life because I don't have a bottomless wallet. I've gotten enough of that from the snooty BMW crowd.

its not so much that anybody thinks your living beyond your means, its more of just the facts of this car, a young LS is an amazing and well designed machine that in all honestly while still having a few certain problems is still quite a reliable car. on the flip side of that, once the LS starts to get a little long in the tooth, it can really go south quick and turn into a major money pit, parts for this car are becoming very hard to find, there are next to no aftermarket parts to choose from other than a few garbage companies that make parts that your lucky if they work out of the box! the few parts you can find are pretty expensive, and once you start putting off some repairs, other things quickly deteriorate and can stack up fast. having a bottomless wallet almost becomes a requirement after a certain point if you plan on trying to keep this car in a respectable shape and far too many of us refuse to get that in our heads (that statement was pointed more at myself than anyone specific... lol)
M.Rad, you go ahead and ask any question you want. There are no dumb questions, just dumb answers. There are some great knowledgeable people on here like Joegr, he knows his stuff, but gets tired of repeating himself for all these years. But he's great, and the rest are pretty cool too. Have fun with your LS, they are great fun, but cost time and money. Hey remember they use the same parts in other Ford cars, so look for parts without the Lincoln name associated with them. I've found the same parts in Ford pickup trucks for 25% less than the same part advertised as a Lincoln product.
Hi Tireman, thanks for the tip, I'll try that in the future! I know that there are some very knowledgeable people on this board, and I appreciate all their help and time.

I installed my water pump a couple of days ago and performed the bleed procedure. Yesterday I drove 40 miles of highway and 10 miles of stop-and go in 95* heat. The temp gauge stayed at 1/2 of a needle width below the half way point throughout. So, I guess it's fixed for the time being at least. I will post again if something else fails, so that my experience can serve as an additional example.


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