Fan Noise Help


LVC Member
May 1, 2005
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Hello all,

I'm a new member here... just recently purchased an 02 LS V8 Premium with 52K miles. I love the car so far, but have a few questions for the pros here...

My cooling fan seems to be running at high speeds most of the time I drive the car. I originally thought it was because my temp was running a little high, but after cleaning the debris in front of the radiator and performing the cooling system bleed procedure, my temp gauge now runs at or below the center tick mark. Problem is, the fan will eventually come on and run at what seems like max speed for the majority of the time I drive. It will occassionally slow down, so I don't think it is "stuck" wide open, but it just seems like it shouldn't be running that hard. It makes a fairly loud hum at those speeds, and is beginning to annoy me and my wife. The noise doesn't sound like anything is mechanically wrong with the fan or pump, just running at high speeds... Are there any adjustments that can be made to the pump to slow it down, or is this just normal for these cars?

Thanks in advance for your help.. this forum is great!!!
hey, i have a similar thing going on. i dont know if its running at high speeds, but its a really loud whining fan noise that i hear sometimes at lower speeds. its not always making loud noise, but randomly does.

hope to hear an answer soon.
Same problem here, i dont know if its the fan or not, sounds like it,, but i hear it when i'm at a stop its like a winding noise.......doesnt do it when the car is neutral..
luckieleo said:
hey, i have a similar thing going on. i dont know if its running at high speeds, but its a really loud whining fan noise that i hear sometimes at lower speeds. its not always making loud noise, but randomly does.

Sounds exactly like what I am talking about. Where is your temp gauge running? This may all be normal for these cars, but I just found it a little odd. I think the hydraulic setup is too complicated anyway... it would be much easier to use an electric fan (like the later models have). I just don't understand the benefit of having this type of setup. I bet there is some kind of adjustment that can be made to the pump that would slow the fan down some, but I don't have any experience with this... ideas??
there is a veriable orfice valve the is mounted on the back side of the fan pump . have seen shops take them out and adjusted them. i havnt done it ,just replaced the pumps on the ones i fine bad.
l-m tech said:
there is a veriable orfice valve the is mounted on the back side of the fan pump . have seen shops take them out and adjusted them. i havnt done it ,just replaced the pumps on the ones i fine bad.

Is it something that can be adjusted on the car or would the pump need to be removed? I would like to know if my situation is "normal" before I make any changes, also.

Another idea I have is to install a cooler T-stat or modify the stock one to open sooner and allow the engine to run 5-10 degrees cooler. I have done this in other vehicles by shimmng the valve stem on the t-stat so it would take less heat to open. I haven't looked at the one on the LS, so this may not even be possible. If it works, I imagine this would keep the fan speed down as well.
it can be removed from the pump.a little allen or torques not sure of the direction you need to turn it. try turning the screw counterclockwise a quarter of a turn. take note to if it helps. if not turn back to where you started and a quarter the other way.
l-m tech said:
it can be removed from the pump.a little allen or torques not sure of the direction you need to turn it. try turning the screw counterclockwise a quarter of a turn. take note to if it helps. if not turn back to where you started and a quarter the other way.
Mine does the same thing , but only after I flash it with an aftermarket tune. When using the factory tune it is fine. I figured there was something in the tune telling the fan to keep the engine cooler. It happens at start up so I know the engine isn't getting hot enough to activate it.
MikeB said:
Mine does the same thing , but only after I flash it with an aftermarket tune. When using the factory tune it is fine. I figured there was something in the tune telling the fan to keep the engine cooler. It happens at start up so I know the engine isn't getting hot enough to activate it.

you are right - Torrie adjust the fan to come on at 195.
This problem has been solved!! As the weather has warmed here, I noticed my temperature running a little higher (slightly above the middle tick). I started checking everything again and noticed I had very little flow moving through my hose from the thermostat (should have been wide open). I took the car in and had a new stat installed and flushed the cooling system. It now runs cooler and the fan is only audible when the car sits for a few minutes. Now I can honestly say :L

Thanks for your input.

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