Farenheit 9/11... Good flick


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Hey, I finally got to sit and watch the whole film uninterrupted.

As a New Republican, I must say that I enjoyed it.

In fact, with about 10 minutes of selective editing, it would make a great patriotic piece and reflect a much positive light on the Republican party and country as a whole. Moore needs to stop hating America so much.

There were sooo many cut, stop, and edit parts in the movie, that had Moore decided to tell the truth and then show both sides of the story, it would have made a great piece.

As it was, it was a sometimes entertaining hit piece with a sickening liberal bias. But I made it thru. Watched the whole enchilada. I now have heart burn. Nothing that a little rendition of God bless America won't settle.
Yeah, it's good . . . for me to poop on! :joke
More truths in that film than lies though....
truths depending on weather you want the facts, or weather you want to back your oppinion
lets all meet up, and go and watch it...and afterwards monstermark and i can set yall straight.
Go to Moore's website. He has the balls to say which parts of the film he erred on, and provides footnotes for where he got his facts from. Go look.
lol, i cant even begin. he is scum. dont ever let that man represent you or your beliefs.
ok, i did just that, im no ignoramus (cept when it comes to spelling).

but if you believe these footnotes you must be.

lets list a few of the sources shall we:
-PBS (funded by liberal socal programs)
-Chicago sun times
-cbs news
-San Diego Union-Tribune(if that isnt a liberal paper i dont know what is!)
-Atlanta-Journal (also a very left leaning paper)
-Washington Times (speaks for itself)
-Boston Globe (dont make me laugh)
...he sites his own film footage as a source...ok now you cant tell me that he doesnt twist $hi% arround to fit his intrests?

im just surprised that i didnt see any listings for arazona daily sun :)
Is there any voter in America who hasn't made up his mind about George Bush? Whether you think he's a stalwart leader or a fascistic buffoon, his positions on the environment, education, federal budget deficits and international affairs are as clear as any president's for the last 50 years.

If you need a refresher course on Bush's politics, "Fahrenheit 9/11" provides one in which he falls halfway between Satan and Howdy Doody. The surprising thing about Michael Moore's polemic is not one-sidedness, which was a given: It's his failure to find devastating new weapons of mass destruction to aim at Bush's head. The smoking guns he holds up often fire blanks, and the ones that don't are mostly derringers.

He starts with the musty, if perhaps valid, argument that the 2000 presidential election was stolen from the rightful winner. (Moore's first whiff of a conspiracy: Bush's cousin worked at Fox News, which was the initial network to project Bush's victory.)

We then hear the well-known litany of complaints. We're in Iraq at least partly because Vice President Cheney and his cronies profited from the invasion; it's making billions of dollars for his old employer, Halliburton. Attorney General John Ashcroft neglected clear FBI warnings that Osama bin Laden planned to attack the United States in 2001. Bush either lied about Iraq's involvement in those Sept. 11 attacks or acted rashly on mistaken information.

However much you think these things are true - they're old news, and anyone who does not know them isn't coming to this film.

Moore claims Bush's corporate ties to Saudi Arabians and Saudis' immense investment in American corporations make him their tool. I expect so, but what's his larger point? That Bush covered up the bin Laden family's involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks, because they're wealthy Saudis and he was embarrassed to be linked to them? Where's proof? And some people actually say... "Well this film is a documentary, so it must be true" The ignorance of the general public is what Moore plays upon, and of course staunch lefties that never stop slingin mud long enought to realize they've spilt too much on themselves...

The writer-director injects himself into the proceedings less this time, but his grandstanding ploys smell of juvenile egotism. When he rents the ice cream truck and drives around Washington, D.C., reading the Patriot Act to disinterested passers-by??? Then he stands on a street corner, urging members of Congress to recruit their kids to fight in Iraq. (Moore is shocked, shocked, to learn the grunts in the U.S. Army consists mostly of people with few job alternatives. That hasn't been news since Hannibal crossed the Alps on elephants.) Further embarassing himself......

Moore can touch us with the story of Lila Lipscomb, a woman from his hometown of Flint, Mich. Lipscomb, who helps unemployed people find work, has a cathartic moment in front of the White House, when she points a finger of rage at the man who sent her son to die uselessly in Iraq. Yet even that scene is undercut by one in which she reads his last letter, which exhorts people not to re-elect Bush! (Wonder how many dead kids' letters Moore had to read to find that sentiment.)

When quotes serve his purpose, a note on the screen dates and identifies the occasions. When they don't, these dates and places are mysteriously missing. Given Moore's reputation for re-arranging information to mislead, this suggests tampering to make points. When facts are inconvenient, he omits them: In mocking the "coalition of the willing" that backed our Iraqi invasion, he mentions the tiny likes of Palau and Costa Rica but conveniently forgets the United Kingdom and Spain.

The sad thing is, this tampering was unnecessary. Anyone who thinks Bush is compassionate toward poor people would know better when he addresses rich backers: "This is an impressive crowd: the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base." This disgusting speech, clearly was not reviewed by admin, is juxtaposed with his decision to cut benefits to veterans and their families and boost the cost of drugs they needed.

But anyone who criticizes Bush for doing so had better be scrupulously honest and careful, and Moore isn't. He rakes muck like nobody else, but almost as much of it sticks to him as to his subject.
....ok, lets sum this up real quick...im tired of political bs, and liberals....moore is a fat fat man that should have his te$t!cles cut off and sown into his mouth, becasue what would come out then, would make people react the right way to what he says...its bu!! $h!t, he is Bu!! $h!t. i wish him death, i hope he dies a horrible horrible death of mixed sypholus and disentary...this has been another episode of, release your anger, sponcered by mr wilson :) sorry kiddies. ill try not to let it slip again
Jamler3 said:
The sad thing is, this tampering was unnecessary. Anyone who thinks Bush is compassionate toward poor people would know better when he addresses rich backers: "This is an impressive crowd: the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base." This disgusting speech, clearly was not reviewed by admin, is juxtaposed with his decision to cut benefits to veterans and their families and boost the cost of drugs they needed.


I read your post and was saying to myself this guy is right on top of things. And then this passage rolls of your tongue. I hit the tilt switch I am sorry to say.

I will give you a chance to put the comments you attributed to Bush (which are correct, he did say them) in context. Why was he giving the speech? Who was his audience? What was the occasion?

Damn. You were so close to a completely well thought out and eliquent post and then this brain fart came out. Bush has never advocated cutting benefits to Veterans nor boost the cost of drugs required to treat their illnesses. If he has, show me where!

Everything you said about Michael Moron was dead on. That is why I said it was a "good flick" in my original post. Only 10 minutes of changes makes it one of the most compelling reasons for the Bush doctrine.

Don't take offense Jamler. We have agreed way more than disagreed. I would just like to see this particular opinion forwarded by you corrected and the record thereof of the occasion in question rectified.
MrWilson said:
this has been another episode of, release your anger, sponcered by mr wilson :) sorry kiddies. ill try not to let it slip again

Mr. Wilson!!! May I recommend some medicine to cure what ails you?
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:), he makes my blood boil.

" I got a fever, and the only perscription, is more cowbell"
-Christopher Walkin.
This post for clarification purposes only. No offense to Jamler3, but after reading his post, I suspected that this was an editorial and that he just neglected to credit the author. I entered "fascistic buffoon" in google (you don't see that term everyday) and found that Jamler3's post is actually a review of Fahrenheit 9/11 by Lawrence Toppman from the Charlotte Observer written in June '04.
Kbob said:
This post for clarification purposes only. No offense to Jamler3, but after reading his post, I suspected that this was an editorial and that he just neglected to credit the author. I entered "fascistic buffoon" in google (you don't see that term everyday) and found that Jamler3's post is actually a review of Fahrenheit 9/11 by Lawrence Toppman from the Charlotte Observer written in June '04.

MonsterMark said:
Ohhh really! I beg to differ.

Well, according to your own highly touted critique of F-9/11, there are only "59 Deceits" ("deceits" encompass lies AND misleading statements) in that movie. That leaves 1,941 thruths remaining. :F
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Well, according to your own highly touted critique of F-9/11, there are only "59 Deceits" ("deceits" encompass lies AND misleading statements) in that movie. That leaves 1,941 thruths remaining. :F
So by your own standard, you must love Bush since he's only lied about a few things in your opinion. :N
Kbob said:
So by your own standard, you must love Bush since he's only lied about a few things in your opinion. :N

Hardly. Lies & deceits from a film producer about subjects which cannot endanger lives is excuseable. Lies and deceits from the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES about subjects which put LIVES in HARM'S WAY is NEVER EXCUSEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How you herd of sheep following blindly behind BuSh's lies sleep at night is beyond me.

:Bang :Bang :Bang :Bang
Absolutely a reprint




JohnnyBz00LS said:
Hardly. Lies & deceits from a film producer about subjects which cannot endanger lives is excuseable. Lies and deceits from the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES about subjects which put LIVES in HARM'S WAY is NEVER EXCUSEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How you herd of sheep following blindly behind BuSh's lies sleep at night is beyond me.

:Bang :Bang :Bang :Bang

How can you say that his movie did not endanger lives too? It influenced a multitude of people to vote for kerry, which if he won, we would have undoubtedly pulled out of Iraq, and left the chaos over there to swell into catostrope. Creating a eutopian state for terrorists to dwell. As we al know terrorists=hate us=try to kill us=we must defend ourselves against them=military action=inevtiable deaths.
MrWilson said:
How can you say that his movie did not endanger lives too? It influenced a multitude of people to vote for kerry, which if he won, we would have undoubtedly pulled out of Iraq, and left the chaos over there to swell into catostrope. Creating a eutopian state for terrorists to dwell. As we al know terrorists=hate us=try to kill us=we must defend ourselves against them=military action=inevtiable deaths.

Now there's a stretch. Maybe we should hold Judas responsible as well for turning on Jesus. Cain and Able can't escape responsibility either! If that bitch Eve hadn't tempted Adam..............!!!!

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