Farenheit 9/11... Good flick

Hey MRWison I Totally Agree

I cannot agree more with Mr. Wilson...

Here is a post I did personally write from my heart... Its from the


But if we bail on this effort, THEN AND ONLY THEN, are the lives squandered and it becomes another Vietnam. Until then it is a fight for the establishment of democracy in a region of the world that so desperately needs it. One can only hope that the best comes of it... Don't think for a second I dimish the impact of the lives lost. I cringe every time I hear of another convoy getting bombed with 5 lives lost here, 7 lost there... It's painful, but tell me what would be happening if we were not there...? Do you think these radical US haters will be content to sit in their poor ravaged countries... NO CHANCE...
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Hardly. Lies & deceits from a film producer about subjects which cannot endanger lives is excuseable.
Yeah, right, he's as innocent as Joseph Goebbels :rolleyes:
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Lies and deceits from the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES about subjects which put LIVES in HARM'S WAY is NEVER EXCUSEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could dig up info and debate this same point for practically EVERY president.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
How you herd of sheep following blindly behind BuSh's lies sleep at night is beyond me.
Just remember that you're the one who usually escalates things into insults.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Now there's a stretch. Maybe we should hold Judas responsible as well for turning on Jesus. Cain and Able can't escape responsibility either! If that bitch Eve hadn't tempted Adam..............!!!!
Here's some advice to you: making erroneous statements about things you really don't know what you're talking about makes you look foolish.

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