I do kind of remember that thread, and on a place like this, getting emotional about what some of the cranky smart asses say is not to your benefit. There are some here who cannot differentiate between being helpful and spouting off with opinionated rants about how this product is 'junk' and you are a 'loser' or 'idiot' if you use it, or do something differently than they might, or have another opinion about something, even if it works for you.
Sharing knowledge and voicing opinions in a belligerant manner are two different things. Lots of the more prolific posters on here do it on virtually every post, and you get an image in your mind of what they must be like-somewhat insecure, keyboard bullies, with no life.
Your outburst here will be dropped after time, and the more technically minded on here will forget about it and will help you with any problems you have, regardless of the issues of the past. The point of this forum it to share knowledge and help others preserve what are great and affordable cars. For that, this is probably the very best forum out there. Flamers are everywhere, no matter where you go, don't take it personally-the jerks on here know who they are, they are just trying to over-compensate for they own personal shortcomings. Don't be like them.