FedEx Saved my house!

Oh yeah, dude do something nice for that Fed-Ex driver.

My biggest hobby is in reptiles, I had around 300+ dollars worth shipped to me once and the UPS driver left them outside on the door step in a box during a thunderstorm in the middle of November. I was home and the bastard never ever took the time to read the labels stating "Live Animals" or knocking on my door.
Oh yeah, dude do something nice for that Fed-Ex driver.

My biggest hobby is in reptiles, I had around 300+ dollars worth shipped to me once and the UPS driver left them outside on the door step in a box during a thunderstorm in the middle of November. I was home and the bastard never ever took the time to read the labels stating "Live Animals" or knocking on my door.

I can only hope you caused that driver some hardships.
I too work at FedEx (Im a contractor though) and know they do this, so I ask you to PM mafioso. FedEx does have special recognitions for thier employees in exceeding expectations, "The Purple Promise" is one. Thats awsome for the driver.
I smoked about 1-1.5 packs a day from 16-21. I'm down now to 1 cig a day. I don't know if I'll ever fully quit, but I do know one thing: I've never smoked in my LS nor do I plan on smoking in it.
I'm 23 and have smoked since i was 13...been trying to "quit" for 3 months or so, i still smoke a cigarette or two or 5 lol a day its so f*cking hard but at least i'm over the stage of needing one every 20 minutes..i was smoking a pack or more easy, its hard especially since everyone around me smokes but im working on it. i basically stopped buying them, i'll still give my buddy a few bucks when hes around and giving me a few thats worth it to me to not have them in my pocket...then i'd suck those bastards down like candy. Its funny because the other day he said he was quitting, so we are trying to support eachother but last night he was FLIPPING out (he smokes two packs a day) and i know whats he's going through so we split a pack and i only took a few of them. I've been up since 730am and havent even desired one yet, i have two out in my car and i probably wont actually get an "urge" for one until about 3pm or later. I use to roll outta bed and HAVE to light one up before i could even at this rate i'm doing pretty damn good :)

that fed ex driver deserves something, most idiots would of let it burn JUST to watch your house burn down. :eek:
Yes when you know its your time it will come easy........

gotta go need a smoke.............................................
I saw a house burn once. I was being taught to drive when I was like 12 or 13 between here and Greenbrier. Pulled in at the neighboring house, about .5 mile away, called the local vol. fire dept. By the time they got there all they could do was watch it burn. Seriously, not even 30 secs. before they turned onto the road the garage had 4 or 5 explosions, I guess there were paint cans or gas cans or something along those lines. This was before cell phones were as common as they are now.

Turned out that the owner was a pharmacist here in Conway and was out of town on business or some such. Supposed to be gone for a week, two days in his house burns.
I witnessed a house fire once when i lived in virginia. It was wildly insane. I went down to this deadend with my buddy and a few girls to party, we were there maybe 10 minutes and we left and on the way out we see this house ENGULFED, it was f*ckin crazy, so we stop i walk to the back and find some people out there (all whacked out looking) plus they were in the back, house is on fire you should be on the road and i try talking to them no one says anything except its not thier house and the owner isnt there, no one was still inside, they all had this dazed look about them and i took off knowing something was up. The heat off this house was CRAZY i was easy a good 100 feet away and it felt like i was in it.

fire and police showed up tried to hold me and i was out, told them there is a whole group of whacked out people out back, so they went and talked to them.

a year later the truth comes out, they were all smoking crack and it wasnt thier house, someone was smoking a cigarette and caught the matress on fire, instead of putting it out, thier crackheaded dumbass selves drag the matress outside, thus burning everything on the way out with the foamy mattress stuff LOL, idiots.

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