Finally, someone willing to take on the Usurper


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Risking Court Martial for Demanding Obama Release Original Birth Certificate

If you believe in upholding the Constitution, please consider supporting Terry Lakin in his quest for the truth. The first highly decorated, commissioned officer to take up the challenge.
...I'd hate for the guy to go to jail over that...
Why would his mother have been in Kenya at the time of his birth?
And why would two newspapers have his birth announcement in it?

There's an interesting, though at this point in our regard for the constitution, merely academic argument to be made regarding his eligibility bases up his father's origin and dual citizenship.

But I really think this issue is being left out there just to discredit Obama's critics.
This guy is setting a horrible example for young soldiers, the military has taught us to execute the mission no matter what. The Army has a regulation that states if you are overweight, you cannot be in a leadership position, I have had leaders that were grossly obese, did I question there decisions? No, I executed, this guy is a Doctor, he is probably just looking for a way out of the military, he doesn't need money for a lawyer, Jag lawyers are free.
No, I executed, this guy is a Doctor, he is probably just looking for a way out of the military, he doesn't need money for a lawyer, Jag lawyers are free.

He's not looking for a way out. If he was, he picked the worst way to do it, don't you think?

At the end of the day, if it takes ONE military guy to disobey orders in order to get the Commander-In-Chief to obey orders, I'm ALL FOR IT.
This guy is setting a horrible example for young soldiers, the military has taught us to execute the mission no matter what. The Army has a regulation that states if you are overweight, you cannot be in a leadership position, I have had leaders that were grossly obese, did I question there decisions? No, I executed, this guy is a Doctor, he is probably just looking for a way out of the military, he doesn't need money for a lawyer, Jag lawyers are free.
Yeah great argument. He wants out of the military and into prison. :rolleyes:
One serviceman is not going to have much of an impact.
What is needed is a whole platoon with similar views, willing to take up the cause and disobey orders on the same grounds.
All that will happen in this case is the guy will end up in prison, and all will be swept uder the carpet.
All actions, be it civil, political, financial etc.etc. start with a single person or idea, but it needs group involvement to be effective.
Now, if there were hundreds of service people who refused to take an order because they think the pres is illigetimate, that would be a different story.
This one poor dude doesn't stand a chance of Obama producing his real birth certificate.
It's nice to contribute to a cause you think is worthy, but in this case I think it would be a waste of money.
It doesn't matter if Obama is a fraud or not, he was elected by the AMERICAN people! Obama is the Commmander In Chief, he is a soldier in the U.S Military, he must obey ALL lawful, if DA (department of army) presents him with orders to deploy, he must deploy.

The military has is own constitution, its called UCMJ, it supercedes the US constitution, Service members dont have Freedom of speech.

Looknig at his uniform, he has no deployment ribbons, he was probably given orders to deploy, and didn't want too.
He's not looking for a way out. If he was, he picked the worst way to do it, don't you think?

At the end of the day, if it takes ONE military guy to disobey orders in order to get the Commander-In-Chief to obey orders, I'm ALL FOR IT.

What you dont understand is that ONE high ranking military guy can influence alot more
What about protecting and defending the constitution?

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
The military has is own constitution, its called UCMJ, it supercedes the US constitution, Service members dont have Freedom of speech.

You'll have to forgive my ignorance in this area, but it was my understanding that a military officer's first duty was to defend the Constitution.

Also, how does the UCMJ override the Constitution? I understand that certain rights are suspended while serving, but that alone doesn't mean that it overrides the Constitution.
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

Are those prioritized?

Does defending the Constitution of the United States override obeying orders of the President?

What happens if those two obligations come into conflict? Which takes precedent?
One serviceman is not going to have much of an impact.
What is needed is a whole platoon with similar views, willing to take up the cause and disobey orders on the same grounds.
All that will happen in this case is the guy will end up in prison, and all will be swept uder the carpet.
All actions, be it civil, political, financial etc.etc. start with a single person or idea, but it needs group involvement to be effective.
Now, if there were hundreds of service people who refused to take an order because they think the pres is illigetimate, that would be a different story.
This one poor dude doesn't stand a chance of Obama producing his real birth certificate.
It's nice to contribute to a cause you think is worthy, but in this case I think it would be a waste of money.

You guys are failing to look at it from a service members point of view, if lawful orders are disobeyed, the US military goes to crap.
You guys are failing to look at it from a service members point of view, if lawful orders are disobeyed, the US military goes to crap.

But if the rule of law is not upheld society goes to crap.

It is very important that everyone understands this: THE RULE OF LAW IS THE ONLY THING THAT STANDS BETWEEN A FREE SOCIETY AND TYRANNY.
You'll have to forgive my ignorance in this area, but it was my understanding that a military officer's first duty was to defend the Constitution.

Also, how does the UCMJ override the Constitution? I understand that certain rights are suspended while serving, but that alone doesn't mean that it overrides the Constitution.

There is a rank structure in the military, the CIC is "top dog", what he says goes!

The Uniform Code of Military Justice is our constitution. We gave up our constitutional rights when we accepted that pay check and put on the uniform, he gave up his when he accepts that 30K annual bonus, unlimited health care, and all the other perks.
But if the rule of law is not upheld society goes to crap.

It is very important that everyone understands this: THE RULE OF LAW IS THE ONLY THING THAT STANDS BETWEEN A FREE SOCIETY AND TYRANNY.

The law states he must obey any lawful order given to him.
Are those prioritized?

Please forgive me for not knowing, i am giving my opinion here.

Does defending the Constitution of the United States override obeying orders of the President?

In my opinion, obeying orders override EVERYTHING, there is a bigger picture here, the military is bigger than him, him refusing to deploy could very well kill someone, doctors are needed in combat zones, if he is afraid for his life, he needs to find a new career.

What happens if those two obligations come into conflict? Which takes precedent?

When I joined the army 7 long years ago, my very first boss told me "when in doubt, follow regulation" regulations are standing orders giving to us from higher (not jesus):)
In my opinion, obeying orders override EVERYTHING, there is a bigger picture here, the military is bigger than him, him refusing to deploy could very well kill someone, doctors are needed in combat zones, if he is afraid for his life, he needs to find a new career.

Is there any way you could get confirmation one way or the other? I would be interested to know.

I have heard various opinions from people in the military to various degrees. But it is simply opinion.

If Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen, he is not lawfully CIC (regardless of the election). Therefore, any order he gives would not be lawful. In fact, it could then be argued under that hypothetical that his holding that office, making policy, giving orders, signing laws, etc. is an assault on the Constitution.

You can see why the possibility of Obama not being a Natural Born Citizen would put those two duties into conflict. I am very interested in what would be the priority in that instance.

I would suspect that defending the Constitution would override obeying Obama in that hypothetical because this country was founded on the idea of the rule of law; explicitly rejecting the rule of man. That would, presumably, be reflected and enshrined in any policies, laws, etc. governing the military. But again, my knowledge of the military is mostly second hand and not very in-depth.
If Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen, he is not lawfully CIC (regardless of the election). Therefore, any order he gives would not be lawful. In fact, it could then be argued under that hypothetical that his holding that office, making policy, giving orders, signing laws, etc. is an assault on the Constitution.

I think he is CIC until proven differently in a court of law.

But, you know, this has been around so long, and heck, maybe at this point I am just seeing the light, where there is smoke, there quite often is fire... there just seems to be too much in question about his past - things seemingly covered up, lots of suspicious things are seeming to line up... I am beginning to at least question Obama's validity... maybe the courts should start looking into this more closely... Or maybe he should just hand over the bloody thing

April Fools!!!!!:zgreenbou Hope you fooled someone today!
courtmarshal him. i mean, if obama was ordering up the round up of right wing tyranists, he might have a case against accepting orders. otherwise, he's the cic elect.
I think he is CIC until proven differently in a court of law.

But, you know, this has been around so long, and heck, maybe at this point I am just seeing the light, where there is smoke, there quite often is fire... there just seems to be too much in question about his past - things seemingly covered up, lots of suspicious things are seeming to line up... I am beginning to at least question Obama's validity... maybe the courts should start looking into this more closely... Or maybe he should just hand over the bloody thing

April Fools!!!!!:zgreenbou Hope you fooled someone today!
A third grader could see that coming.

More 'Creative Writing' I guess...:rolleyes:
courtmarshal him. i mean, if obama was ordering up the round up of right wing tyranists, he might have a case against accepting orders. otherwise, he's the cic elect.
Mkay. Mr. Spell Nazi, I have 3 questions:

1. What is a courtmarshal
2. What is a tyranist
3. What is a cic elect

Drinking while posting...

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