I have gotten my only ticket in my dead stock 1991 Lincoln Town Car (See my Photo Garage). It was for blowing a Red Light. I fought it in a free informal hearing, but still lost. The cop even invented cross traffic that I know wasn't in the middle of the country at 12:00 at night.
I however, have not gotten a ticket in my 1973 Triumph or the times I have driven my dad's 1971 Charger Superbee(sold). Whenever my dad or I drove the Charger we rammed on the gas and burned out quite often and I only once got a warning. I could tell that the cop was more interested in the car than he was in issueing a ticket.
TIP - Even if you were speeding, request an informal hearing! They are free, even if you lose. You CANNOT have legal counsel of any kind present, but the cop doesn't get any either. Do this and you'll win (opposite of what I did):
-Say everything with absolute certainty.
-Bring a parent along if you are in that age group.
-Dress nice, not like a white-trash camaro driving retard.
-Do NOT make it personal (I didn't).
-If the police officer lies, directly counter it. Do NOT let a lie get through.
-Be generally respectful.
Good Luck, it sucks to get ticketed in an "Old Persons Car",