Florida clubs

I'll be moving to Florida in 2016 after I finish my residency...hopefully my Stinkin' Lincoln is still kickin :)
Hopefully mine too. I'm seriously starting to consider a CTS-V but then I remember I got no car payment and plenty of house projects to do.
Robot.......has anyone showed up to hang with you yet?
No, none at all. I haven't been feeling well lately(MS) but, I'll be out there. I wish that place had better wings.
No, none at all. I haven't been feeling well lately(MS) but, I'll be out there. I wish that place had better wings.

Dude, that sucks! My mom has MS. I'm sorry to hear this.
Dude, that sucks! My mom has MS. I'm sorry to hear this.
Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones. I have Relapsing Remitting MS but, the heat and humidity here kills me when I'm trying to work on the car. The bad part is some days I feel really good and those will be the days that it rains.
No, none at all. I haven't been feeling well lately(MS) but, I'll be out there. I wish that place had better wings.

We never did try those buffalo wings at that sports bar did we? next time!
No we didn't. They have built another one closer to me but, I haven't gone yet.
I would be interested in this. I see LSs on the road all the time. I always wonder if they have been on LVC.

I always see one that is grey, tan or gold (memory fails me). It has 1 spot tinted on the tail light, drivers side. Weirdest thing to me. Can't figure it out. Always on the Howard Frankland going into tampa about 5pmish.

Saw it today. Snapped a picture. Anyone?


In St. Petersburg, FL. @ 4600 34th Street North. PKE Pro Karting Experience holds "Monday Night Cars & Karts" from 8pm-11pm. We could use some representation there.
Now, sitting here at PKE in St. Pete looking at BMWs, VWs, Mustangs, and assorted Japanese sport sedans and coupes. No representation of American sport sedans but me. Should I raise the hood like the ricers do?
Now, sitting here at PKE in St. Pete looking at BMWs, VWs, Mustangs, and assorted Japanese sport sedans and coupes. No representation of American sport sedans but me. Should I raise the hood like the ricers do?

I always make a mental note that I want to come out. But by 8PM I'm already in my zoned out phase watching my programs. Are there any that meet during the weekend?
I always make a mental note that I want to come out. But by 8PM I'm already in my zoned out phase watching my programs. Are there any that meet during the weekend?
I am sure there are car meets somewhere. I have heard of cars and coffee type stuff. I'll have to check.
I'll have to try to make it out there. 8pm is about right for when i'm done at work, although it's a crap shoot depending upon what breaks at any particular point in time.

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