for sale:93-96 headlights restored to new


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Palm Harbor FL
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i've never offered this before, normally i do it for myself or customers, so i'll try it and see what happens. if you are sick of your poor dim yellow headlights, i have a fix, i can restore housings to new condition, and you can install your own 9005 style aftermarket hid kit into them and you'll be blown away. i have done so many of these with awesome results. i have 2 sets right now, i'll offer both sets to first two in line. they have not been restored yet, i cut the lenses off clean as a knife, and rechrome the inside of the housings 100% and bond the lenses back on after a full polish inside and out of the lenses making them crystal clear again like they were when they were made. add a 4300k or 6000k hid kit and you'll never have a problem seeing again. i'll sell each pair for $200 shipped, thats less than half of a new pair of housings from ford. here is what i do and how they look.








with 6000k hid's installed




car on the left is halogen housings redone by me, with 6000k hid's, car on the right is my green 93 with factory 96 hid housings and stock hid bulbs, the halogens and aftermarket hid's blew away the factory hid's.

i will sell the 2 pairs i have to the first 2 people interested for $200 shipped, if you want to send me your housings, i restore them for $80 a pair. i can usually have them done in one day and mail them back quickly. email me if interested thanks.
80 bux to restore a pair? Wow, you're too cheap! Lol. I'll send my recent enquirer your way...
well i have done so many that its not a bad job anymore, i even made a work bench at the shop strictly for headlights, i have a jig set up to hold the lights firm and i bought a special bit for my dremmel that can buzz through them fast as lightning now without melting the plastic and cuts a super thin line in the lense so it takes off nothing from the lense. thats why i offer to do it cheap because i cut my original time almost in half by doing all this pre work first!
I am going to send mine to you! I have to figure how to get them OUT! Can you give me instructions on how to remove them?
Please call me at 513 680-0097 anytime 8am-10-pm eastern! 95 Mark VIII 134k lights suck!
I had planned on taking mine off today & sending them to you tomorrow. $80 is highly affordable. I just can't swang $200 at this Juncture ,Wouldn't be my bills.
You are crazy doing those for $80 bux a pair! You guys better send him your lights cause that's a hell of a deal!!! It's a real PITA, trust me!
just finished another pair for a customer, i'll post of pics through the process so everyone can see, these turned out really nice, and one was very bad with old water and rust stains inside.

pm sent cadillakman
i have 3 or 4 sets now avail i cannot remember till i get out of work tomorrow, i'll lower the price to $160 plus shipping if anyone is interested, if not soon, then i will list one pair at a time on ebay complete with an installed plug and play hid kit already in them brand new for $250. save money and buy here before i do this, and its coming soon cuz i know i'll sell them on ebay, trying to help a few out and save you money.
I think that is a VERY fair price for the entire set up! Hope you sell a bunch of them.
Ill send you mine in probably a week or so. Can you get me the hid kit you use and i'll pay you all at once??
it would be better for you to buy it and have it shipped to you, because he is in cali, so he would have to ship to me, then i would have to ship back to you, more paypal fees and more shipping money, not worth it!

Gotcha! makes sense. I am going to be sending them when I get the car back from the tranny shop. Is the kit you get a 6000k hid?? I guess thats like a white bulb verses a purple color?? Thanx for the help. Could you pm your address and # to me?? I had your # but I lost it:confused:
Jamie do you know how long to expect the new chrome to last? whats the longest they have been used so far?
i had a set done this way in my blue 93 mark and i had them in for over a year and they still looked brand new inside and out, thats about the longest i have used my own fix so thats all i can really say. the ones i put in my black 93 i also did myslef and installed hid's and after 6 months roughly they still looked awesome too. if i could remember all the people i did this for i would email some and see how they are holding up too but i cant remember this morning!
anyone who sent me lights to redo, they are all coming back, got boxes lined up near the garage door and ups will be here tomorrow. thanks, anyone else wanting their headlights redone like new contact me, i still have one set left for sale ready to install in your car, i'll sell the pair for $130 plus shipping.
Do you still have the pair for sale, if so do they have the plug in play hid's. Is there any wire modifications that need to be done for those hid's? very interested and am trying to get things done to my car in afghanistan. so any help from you would be great
i dont have any left, all the lights i had have been sold. i am still willing to restore more headlights for anyone who can mail me theirs but i have none left myself.

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