For Sale: Lincoln LSx

Here in Texas we do a state inspection every year which is emissions and a horn/headlights/cel test as well. Costs $35 and vehicle registration is $65 yearly as well. Only vehicles that are 96 or newer need to pass inspection.

Older cars still have to pass safety (atleast whatever was considered "safety" when the car was manufactured), but not emissions. That is cheaper, around $20.
If the car is pre-OBDII, and post-96 (any?) then they have to do a load test with tailpipe sniffers, which costs more than $35 IIRC.
If anyone wants the car, it's back up for sale! This time in Cedar Rapids IA. Saw it on Craigslist, 14k if I remember correctly.

Not sure who is selling it. But they could get new pictures. Pinknuts took the two exterior shots and interior shot. The one exterior shot was in the LS calendar. I photoshopped the stuff out of the bottom right corner for him, when he enter the pictures of the calendar. The engine bay shot was taken by the owner Jwall. I am assuming the seller at some point was here to get those images.
I just saw the LSX running across town! I was at a stop light and thought about running it to get a chance to talk with the new owner. I will be on a watchful eye with my camera now and make sure the new owner knows the history of that now famous car.

It will end up back in these pages again,, I am sure of that!
So I found it parked, and was unable to get an answer at the door. Left a card to try and make contact. I'd like to have a phot shoot with this car. It's one step closer to being back.....


you know she'll hit rock bottom when some 16year old buys it, puts some stripes and wings on... stickers all up and down....OH i can see it now..

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