ForScan connection issue


Dedicated LVC Member
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Tuxedo, NY
I have been having several issues with the LS lately and decided to get a PC based scanner to see if it would help. I downloaded a version of ForScan and purchased an ELM237 (Ford Modified w/can switch). When ever I try to connect to the LS I get "Unable to connect to vehicle. Please make sure the ignition key is ON and try again"

I connected to my Ford Ranger with no problems so the problem is car specific. Any thoughts?
hey. what year is your ls? it could be a problem with the startup configuration of forscan. check your config settings. i think you have to chanhe the settings to a connect with can. there was a thread on forscan's forum a while back about connecting to can.
The LS is a 2000. I only just started with Forscan and don't know how to change anything. I can not even get the PC to read OBD from the Lincoln (the cheap scan tool does read the codes).
well...the 1rst gen ls's dont have can, so you don't need to worry about that. if the elm 327 device is a cheap chinese knock off, it may not work at all. as i said earlier, i stopped using my elm device because of connectivity issues. and with the elm, you can only read/clear codes. i use an obdlink with usv connection and i can do ~ 95% of what a vcm2 can do.
The connection is USB (I didn't want the problems with the bluetooth). I thought about the cheap converter being the problem but it works fine for the Ranger.
Is there something where you can alter UPDATE RATE.
CANxx modes can usually use FAST rate.
VPW, ISO and KWP modes may have a problem with a rate higher than NORMAL.
you can change connection settings by clicking on the icon on the left panel that looks like a cog. he says its a 2000 so he doesn't have to worry about can. if he has the can switch on on the elm, i would think he wouldn't get a connection either.
I used forscan + elm327 BT.
It work flawless my main issue was selecting the proper conection source in APP phone, i barely remember there were like 4 option wifi,bt0,bt1,bt2 conection. I didn't test the PC software.

My elm327 does not have CAN switch , it's on HS-can as default.

I'll try add a new key on PATS module.

PCM read BT forscan .PNG

elm327 bt.PNG
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...My elm327 does not have CAN switch , it's on HS-can as default....

My understanding it that the Bluetooth ones auto switch, and the USB ones have a manual switch. I'm not sure why those two features would be linked.
My understanding it that the Bluetooth ones auto switch, and the USB ones have a manual switch. I'm not sure why those two features would be linked.

I saw a teardown and they add a switch on BT also. I though it was a firmware issue but no ,it's a hardware conection switch.

Forscan f.a.q. FORScan forum • View topic - How to access MS CAN bus using FORScanV2 and modified ELM327

There are many ELM327 devices and some of them have different firmware version.

My reader work on a ptcruisier too.

If yours does not work in any car or even not blinking when you plug it maybe you have a defective one.

I found this "More info on why this FORD ELM327 can scan what traditional ELM327's can't...
Many Ford and Mazda models (approximately since 2003-2004) are equipped with MS CAN bus, in addition to the regular HS CAN bus. In contrast to HS CAN bus, MS CAN bus is not supported by the stock ELM327, because MS CAN is a manufacturer-specific solution and located on non-OBD2 pins. This ELM327 has been modified to allow it to implement the MS CAN bus. Traditional ELM327 supports HS CAN from the stock, because Ford HS CAN completely matches to the OBD2 standards. It occupies pins 6 and 14. MS CAN bus occupies pins 3 and 11."
i was under the impression the op was trying to connect with a pc. i've never used the mobile app because it doesn't support all the feartues (module programming). and if the op's ls is a 2000 he won't connect with can.
When attached to the Lincoln, the lights on the ELM327 will periodically flash (once every 1 -2 sec), but the program keeps asking to turn the ignition on. As I said, it finds all the modules on the 2009 Ranger and displays and can graph any data I ask it to. So I think the problem maybe car related.

While I'd like to get it (ForScan) working on the Lincoln, I have found that the P1413 code (which is keeping me out of inspection) means that the PCM is not seeing the air pump (likely open circuit) and not an issue with airflow. So over the weekend I'll check the wiring again and make sure I really hear it (the air pump) running right after start up. With the noisy rear end, and other potential problems I need to decide how much time I want to put into the rusty LS or if should be replacing it (14 years has been a decent run).
windows mobile gets connected with cheap Bluetooth 327 clone using car scanner pro ... it reads and clears dtc's runs the sensor tests will run dash pitifully slow useless it has a few neat features like command prompt waiting for commands ??? if I knew any.. cant find any command line extras faq's wont connect with forscan as of yet for windows laptop I also have an ELS27 with auto switching but cant get it to connect with forscan correctly even the latest version might be windows 10 1903 latest release as had to play with a driver set Bluetooth errors com port advanced settings changes don't know what to do to get it to connect ? according to forscan the latest release fixes the els27 bugs but not for me as of yet don't even know what modules look like …. any one who has a grasp on the com port settings and software for win 10 post also I have a lot of info on my win mobile phone for car scanner pro but if I got a failure in a sensor test I don't know if its real because it might not really have a out put for it as not a can for 2002 ??? MID for the LS manufactures (cryptic }definitions are needed to cross reference car scanner pro might be a player

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