Fred Thompson Endorses McCain

There is no justification for killing an unborn baby, rape or not. In the case of danger to the mother's life the doctor will try to save both lives. And by the way, please cite any and all examples where this has actually been a necessity.

I can't give you an example, you got me there. It is purely hypothetical. However, when you personally have to choose between two lives, it seems logical that you choose the life you know instead of the life you don't.

Necessary evil is an oxymoron.

Are you saying there is no such thing as a "neccessary evil"?
Going to war can be construed as a nessesary evil in that innocent people and children will die for the good of the many.
Oh, I'm not doing nothing. I'm just not wasting my time voting for someone who's useless. You have failed to convince me that McCain is a good use of my vote. In fact, none of you have really tried to do so. I think deep down you know I'm right about McCain, and you don't want to defend him because you know I'd shred your arguments in about a half second.

The point being made here, by me, is that if every conservative felt as you did, the liberals would own this country. Thank God, we're not all holding our votes because our guy didn't win....sheez! Let's all fall in line with fossten and just not vote cause our guy didn't get the nomination. Does that make sense to you?

Besides all this, what do you really know about Ron Paul??? Do you know this man personally? Do you know, with all uncertainty, that he is who he makes himself out to be? Yeah, I agree with a lot that he says, but honestly, we don't really know these people we vote for and yet you are all over this board with this guy as if he were your very personal friend. I come from one of the most conservative states in this country and I supported Tom Coburn for his second senate run....he was our family doctor and I campaigned for him, as I believed him to be a man of integrity. I would risk saying that I know this man better then you know Ron Paul and yet I am still scratching my head trying to figure out why he endorsed McCain. Perhaps it is because he knows something that I don't know. Maybe, just maybe, you don't know half of what you think you know about Ron Paul or McCain.

Now, I apologize if my initial comment came off as insulting, it was poorly worded and not meant to be that way. In fact, I think some of what I said just prior to that was complimentary and supports my initial intent. But you know, you're not exactly coming across as Mr. nice guy here either.

Peace Man........
The majority of the country doesn't want to revisit this and it is better to let this imperfect stalemate stand than reopen the whole thing again for a more perfect solution which will never be there.

Actually, you're wrong on all counts.
Most of the country would like to revisit this issue and arrive at a political solution- not have an all or nothing decision forced down upon them by an activist court in the 1970s.

To imply that the aftermath of Roe Vs. Wade is a "more perfect solution" than anything is to demonstrate you don't understand what Roe v. Wade actually states. In doing so, they set up a situation that is imperfect and unsatisfactory in EVERY way.

But by removing the entire discussion from the political process, you have turned a very emotional issue into a wedge issue. If Roe didn't exist, abortion would likely still be legal in most states- but regulated. Heavily restricted.

And that's what most people want. They differ on the extend of the restriction, but most people don't want unlimited, abortion on demand for 13 year old girls. But, that's what we end up with because of Roe, and the activists who will fight ANY and ALL restrictions that would be placed.

I would recommend you go and read the decision. It is such a stunning example of bad law, based on bad precedence, that you'll be shocked.
The point being made here, by me, is that if every conservative felt as you did, the liberals would own this country. Thank God, we're not all holding our votes because our guy didn't win....sheez! Let's all fall in line with fossten and just not vote cause our guy didn't get the nomination. Does that make sense to you?

Besides all this, what do you really know about Ron Paul??? Do you know this man personally? Do you know, with all uncertainty, that he is who he makes himself out to be? Yeah, I agree with a lot that he says, but honestly, we don't really know these people we vote for and yet you are all over this board with this guy as if he were your very personal friend. I come from one of the most conservative states in this country and I supported Tom Coburn for his second senate run....he was our family doctor and I campaigned for him, as I believed him to be a man of integrity. I would risk saying that I know this man better then you know Ron Paul and yet I am still scratching my head trying to figure out why he endorsed McCain. Perhaps it is because he knows something that I don't know. Maybe, just maybe, you don't know half of what you think you know about Ron Paul or McCain.

Now, I apologize if my initial comment came off as insulting, it was poorly worded and not meant to be that way. In fact, I think some of what I said just prior to that was complimentary and supports my initial intent. But you know, you're not exactly coming across as Mr. nice guy here either.

Peace Man........
Hey, I voted for Bush twice. I voted for Bush 41 and I voted for Dole. None of them are/were anywhere in the same ballpark as McCain.

And as for knowing someone well enough, I do know how to read people. I can usually tell by body language if someone is lying or angry or nervous. I have training in this area. I have seen McCain on CSPAN doing hearings, and I can tell you that the man has serious mental and emotional problems. No way we should nominate a psycho like that to be our next President. No way I'll vote for him.

As far as being nice, I'm not insulting anybody here. I'm the one being pushed to do something my conscience won't let me. This decision wasn't reached lightly, but I will admit that part of the motivation from the decision has been the so-called conservatives on this site and their nasty, condescending, vicious attacks on me simply because I dare support someone they don't like. If you want to talk about insults, go back and read some of the vicissitudes I've had to endure in this forum, most notably those made by the moderators. And here I am, still defending myself from insults and name-calling.

I'll say this again: If you people wanted to influence me, you should have read and practiced Dale Carnegie's technique. But see, you guys know how this works - nobody really changes people's minds here on this forum. So knowing that you won't change my mind anyway, all you are doing by attacking me is venting your frustration. This is stupid and unconscionable.
And as for knowing someone well enough, I do know how to read people. I can usually tell by body language if someone is lying or angry or nervous. I have training in this area.

I am curious, what kind of training?
This decision wasn't reached lightly, but I will admit that part of the motivation from the decision has been the so-called conservatives on this site and their nasty, condescending, vicious attacks on me simply because I dare support someone they don't like. If you want to talk about insults, go back and read some of the vicissitudes I've had to endure in this forum, most notably those made by the moderators.

Quit using titles to play the blame game. No moderator here has used 'their power' to squelch your freedom of speech.

Just come right out and say that Calabrio and MonsterMark were brutal in their assessments of your candidate choice.

If you're going to go down, go down fighting, not whining about mod status. It has had nothing to do with the conversations going on here. Scapegoat-ism is all it is.
Here it is:

I'm voting for Obama!

I'm sick of the slow death. Let's get it over with.

The Mexican population is due to explode, doubling in the next 15 years.

That is alot of mouths to feed. This Country is doomed to failure.

Obama will win.
He will pull out the troops.
Iraq will go into a frenzy.

Iran will attack Israel after Israel bombs an Iranian nuke plant.

Terrorists strike here in the U.S., attacking shopping malls left and right. Lots of suicide bombers.

The big money in the Country starts to look for safe harbor elsewhere in the world. Our monetary system collapses.

Obama institutes big nanny to 'defend' us by instituting a national i.d. card.

Marginal tax rates are increased to 40% and SS and Medicare are increased to 17% across the board to 'fix' SS.

3 Supreme Courts justices retire and are replaced by young ultra-liberals.

The Senate and Congress reach super majority status after redistricting.

Guantanimo is closed.

Troops are redeployed from the Persian Gulf.

We join the war in Sudan.

Nigeria and Venezuela cut off our oil supplies.

Iran sinks tankers in the Straight of Hormuz.

Washington submits to terrorist demands to save an American city.

Britain submits to Sharia law as the Muslims gain a further foothold.

China and Russia team up and start making demands on the world. China claims Taiwan. We do nothing.

Obama uses the petroleum reserve to lower prices and we lose our safety net.

Gas rationing cripples commerce. United States plunges into the deepest recession ever seen.

Will a conservative messiah come to the rescue?

Will it be too late?

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