Free Apple iPod

Gateway and Dell both blow, build your own and get WAY more for your money, like I did.
I'm in the same boat, and wouldn't have it any other way! But when it comes to laptops, that's not something to build, so I would go with Dell. :)
Dude, bad attitude. I agree with JoshMcMadMac. Don't fear the unknown. First of all Apple / Mac have always been based on the RISC platform, which immediately makes them better than any Intel system. Now having said that I personally don't like Mac's either but it's not because of what they are.

Apple lost the battle due to poor marketing as did IBM in the early 80's. IBM had technology then that still blows away what we have now. It just never got marketed well so it went by the way side. Apple has always been built on a better platform, it's just that during the decision making days, the software folks saw windows as dominant and wrote very little software for the Apple systems. Which in turn steered people away from buying them.

As I said. I don't use Mac and probably never will, but they are not crap. Incidentally Gateway is probably one of the cheapest poorly engineered PC's available. Aside from maybe eMachines.
Sifrino3 said:
No no no, I do not agree with anything above!
yeah... when the first Apple G3 came out, they weren't allowed to sell it in China because the processor was the equivalant of a super computer...
Guys this is called a "Matrix" not only is it illegal but totally fake.... The people who "get" Ipods, are fake... when five people pay in, the first guy gets his Ipod, then another five people pay in another guy gets his Ipod, for if you do the math, it takes 625 people to sign up and pay in in order for the FIRST FIVE guys to successfully get an Ipod... it's called a "Matrix"
codewize said:
Did you know the iPod has been banned in several countries because it's a security risk.

Like the thumb drives, you can just walk up to a computer, plug it in and steal data. No drivers needed.

Incidentally, Dell makes a way better box than Gateway. gateway has had there share of financial problems in the past and still aren't doing so well. Dell systems are solid and backed by great customer support. Now if you want a top grade computer buy an IBM. Expensive? Yes. Hard to work on or get parts for? Yes. But they never freakin break and IBM hard drives last forever.

When I need a PC I do extensive research and build my own but most people don't go that route.

LOL IBM drives last forever? IBM drives sucked ass and then they sold out to hitachi. Probly cause there drives sucked so bad. I used to like IBM drives alot, just because they were cheap and had a 3 year warranty, but ive sent back more ibm drives then any other brand.
I think Dell makes a better pc then gateway but honestly they both suck very bad.
Just build your own and be done with it. I have built all my comps for the last 8 years and I havent had hardly any problems at all, yet im always over next door to look at there dell when its broke, and my mom had a gateway, wow what a piece of :q:q:q:q!

I think alot of ppl settle with the BS dell and gateway throw out there just cause they dont know any better. If all you have used it their crap comps, I guess you have nothing to compare it to.
I think I stated that I do build my own, after extensive research. I agree with that, but most end users won't take that route. Most average home PC buyers have to have the piece of mind that there is someone to call. Buy the way Dell makes some rock solid servers also. In a mission critical environment it's nice to know that if hardware does fail, they'll fix it within 4 hours.

As far as the IBM drives I was mainly referring to SCSI drives. Now on the other hand I do have to say that I had an old PS2/ Mod 60 with 2 60Mb yes 60Mb drives which were almost 20 years old and still worked fine. That's pretty solid in my book. Personally I use only WD for IDE applications and IBM for SCSI.

Incidentally, I have worked on everything from an IBM PC Jr. to AS400 and other main frames I agree that Gateway and Dell both suck but if I had to choose it would be Dell. I come from a world class network environment where downtime is not an option.

Punisher said:
LOL IBM drives last forever? IBM drives sucked ass and then they sold out to hitachi. Probly cause there drives sucked so bad. I used to like IBM drives alot, just because they were cheap and had a 3 year warranty, but ive sent back more ibm drives then any other brand.
I think Dell makes a better pc then gateway but honestly they both suck very bad.
Just build your own and be done with it. I have built all my comps for the last 8 years and I havent had hardly any problems at all, yet im always over next door to look at there dell when its broke, and my mom had a gateway, wow what a piece of :q:q:q:q!

I think alot of ppl settle with the BS dell and gateway throw out there just cause they dont know any better. If all you have used it their crap comps, I guess you have nothing to compare it to.
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