if your system is leaking down in an hour, you've got a serious leak somewhere (obviously). It may be the air spring/shock units or it could be the lines. I'd say defective air springs if it's leaking down that fast. But your air lines may be dry rotted.
If the lines are leaking it'll drop when the car attempts to fill itself up, but no, they don't hold pressure. I don't think anyone has that misconception though.
If the lines are leaking it'll drop when the car attempts to fill itself up, but no, they don't hold pressure. I don't think anyone has that misconception though.
anytime i see the word "strut," thaywood is sure to be there somewhere. :lol:
Its the same thing as 99% of the people calling air springs....air bags. Air bags are what pops out at you when you get in a wreck and air springs is what holds up the rear of a Mark VIII, but as long as everyone is on the same page and talking about the same part....who cares what you call it? Whats next...spelling? Give me a break.
LOL....telling a Certified Air Suspension Expert what to call his parts.
#1) The new OEM struts come with new solenoids installed, but some people remove them before installation. If this happened, theres a good possibilty that the seals are installed incorrectly.....as I see where allot of people put both o-rings onone side of the sliding nylon washer. One or both o-rings can twist around and cause a leak.
#2) If you turn the suspension switch off and it still goes down, it can only be from the solenoid on. (solenoid or air strut)
#3) One air strut leaking can easily bring down both sides. One side doesn't have the leverage to hold both sides up.
With all that being said, both sides may go down, but one will usually go down a little more. While the front is pumped up to normal height, measure all 4 corners and write it down(baseline). Then turn the suspension switch of and let it sit awhile. Then remeasure and write it down again and find the difference. Whatever side is worse is most likely your problem side.
BTW Alexander, the deal is still on the table if you want to convert over. I'll take back the struts and swap you out for a 4 wheek kit....and even do the lowered kit if you wish.
Ain't it though?
I am concerned about Thaywood...has he vented or ranted lately? ;-).Wonderful thread!
:lol: I haven't vented lately. I see no point. Some people are just too stubborn to admit when they're wrongI still have to get on my soap box every once in a blue moon. But I've been too busy lately to worry about people using incorrect terminology