front dome light removal.


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 6, 2008
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fort polk
anyone know how to do this? 04LS. i dont see anywhere to remove it.. i think the back ones just have covers that pop off and theres prob screws under it.. but no clue on the front.
Damn your working on your LS piece work guy LOl. You got a lot of things to do, hope it looks good when its all done ;)
ok how do i remove it on an 04? is it the same? anyone?? and what size bulb>?>?
come on.. i know someone knows! speak up!!! i need this thing off and i dont wanna take it to a dealer that will charge me 120 bucks to put in some light.
pm ken from lskoncepts... grayghost1 i believe is his username. he should know.
No, it is not the same. You just pull the whole front light assembly down. It requires much force, but that is all there is to it. Start at the front. I found that putting it back in (or replacing it with a new one in my case) was more difficult than removing it. It was very hard to get it to completely clip back in at the rear of the light assembly. I had to reach through the open moon roof with a screwdriver to hold down the plastic piece that the light assembly clips into. Don't know about the bulb size, but they looked like normal wedge type bulbs.
I'm trying to remove my 2000 LS front done light and it has a sunroof so that control is there as well. Do you just pull down on the whole unit for an 00? Because it sure doesn't feel like it's coming off
I'm trying to remove my 2000 LS front done light and it has a sunroof so that control is there as well. Do you just pull down on the whole unit for an 00? Because it sure doesn't feel like it's coming off
It comes out one side at a time, back side closest to windshield first.
By what just pulling down on it. I've been pulling and pulling so many different ways for an hour now. And the thing does not come down!
I definately broke the left and right front clips... Lol. But oh well I got my bulbs in and it seems to go back in place snug enoigh. image.jpg

Not broken, there are metal clips that slide over those two.
LOL re: "been pulling and pulling so many different ways"

Naughty naughty naughty!!! I heard that if you pull with the other hand, it's a whole different experience.

they sure as hell look broken to me.. i got metal clips to pop out of the rear side but didn't see anything like that up on this front side.
lights look good though, doing the door lights soon.
ford (and a few other companies) have a major problem with their clip design.

way too often, the clip sticks into what it clips into rather than the part the clip is on...

its like the trim around the radio on a 04-08 f150, there is probably eight clips holding it to the dash, every time you take the panels off, your lucky if two of the clips stay on the trim!

they either need to design a better/stronger way for the clip to hang on to the panel, or it needs to be designed to take a little less force for it to pop loose.


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