Front Dome Light


LVC Member
Mar 17, 2010
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So I managed to procure some nice blue led bulbs for my 01 ls sport and figured I'd go throw them in real quick. I read the how to on lskoncepts but still cant get it. I've been trying for 2 hours. I removed all the stuff so the headliner can be pulled down even the trim where the seatbelt adjuster thing is. I can see the clips kind of if i open the sunroof and pull down the headliner back there. I've tried pushing the metal clips and nothing. Anybody got any pointers. The back is a piece of cake.

Anyone know if there is supposed to be velcro under there? Cause mines has velcro.

It should not be this hard to change a freakin bulb. Ford $hitted these cars out.
It should not be this hard to change a freakin bulb. Ford $hitted these cars out.

The LS is a LUXURY car, Dude. Owners aren't supposed to be changing these bulbs out. The dealer service department is supposed to do these trivial things. Just because these cars are pretty inexpensive to obtain in the 2nd and 3rd hand market doesn't make it any less a luxury car.

That said, did you remove the "A" pillar pieces? I don't know what LSK says, but you need to remove all the visor mounting hardware. That should allow you to gently pull down on the front of the headliner.
Yes. I removed all those things. I'm just not sure how to release the clips. Do u push back from the front for the front clips, when I try to push on them, They wont move.

And as far as Luxury. It does follow BMW, Benz and Lexus by holding up to the standard of being more trouble than its worth. I'm afread to pull the front down to much and crease the headliner.
Yes. I removed all those things. I'm just not sure how to release the clips. Do u push back from the front for the front clips, when I try to push on them, They wont move.

Since I'm unfamiliar, what clips? The ones holding in the light lens? The light assembly should just pop up through the headliner.
Are you using a screwdriver to push in on each clip while you pull it out? You have to do the back two one at a time, then it should drop.
bud i think you're being way too hard on yourself.
I just put LEDs in my dome lights yesterday and had fronts and rear done in 5 minutes. I just pulled the whole dome light assembly down, replaced the bulbs and pushed it back up and snapped into place.
Yeah, I dont know if it's the same on a gen1, but I also just pulled down the domw light panel and installed the new bulbs
I've pulled. I dont think It'll come without something breaking. Gave up last night about to go give it another shot. I'm just worried about Fing up my interior. I'm sure Gen one headliners are not easy to come by. Did you look at the link I posted? It clearly shows that you have to release 4 clips to remove the light cover from the housing. Believe me I wouldn't have removed half the interior trim if you could just pop it off. The rear does just pop off but the front is different.
i have a gen 1 (2000) LS and both front and rear lights "pop" off and back on. i know the clips you're referring to but i didn't have a problem with those.
sometimes maybe too much knowledge is a bad thing :D i never read the lsk link or anything for that matter before i changed mine and i didn't have a problem at all. I hope you get it figured out man wanna get the front part down first bc the electrical plug has to come down at an angle to clear so you don't break it off
OH!! idk if it makes any difference but i have a sunroof in mine that has the controls up there too. i noticed on the lsk link that car doesn't have a sunroof so maybe it's different with and without. Just a thought...
I just took a peek. I could easily pull the assembly down from the rear, but didn't really attempt to release the front. Looks like a judicious use of a flat head at the front "should" release the assembly.
When I did mine, I just stuck my head through the roof and pulled down the headliner, unscrewed both inner visor mounts, and popped the overhead console out completely. But the wires held it from falling - so you could barely squeeze ur hand in there to switchem out, but it was doable without removing all the pillars etc.

gen2 btw
Bolt in engine possibly

Thanx for the help guys. Just got it. Only to discover that I have 2 faulty LED's. Oh well I'll get some new ones tomorrow.

Now I have a Newer Huger Problem. I removed My valve cover to replkace the gasket. After taking it off, the passenger side one. I turned it over to look at the gasket and the back top bolt in the valve cover fell out and down into the engine compartment somewhere.

I'm panicking because I think it may have fell down in the hole where the timing chain goes. Arrrggg. I stuck a magnet down there and looked with a light but saw and got nothing. I spent about 3 hours searching and never recovered it.

Im scared. What if it fell down where the crankshaft is? What should I do?


BTW Good looks on the gaskets Andrizzle. Got em Monday.
Now I have a Newer Huger Problem. I removed My valve cover to replkace the gasket. After taking it off, the passenger side one. I turned it over to look at the gasket and the back top bolt in the valve cover fell out and down into the engine compartment somewhere.

I'm panicking because I think it may have fell down in the hole where the timing chain goes. Arrrggg. I stuck a magnet down there and looked with a light but saw and got nothing. I spent about 3 hours searching and never recovered it.

Im scared. What if it fell down where the crankshaft is? What should I do?


Lol! Damn that's sum s**t right their!
Thanx for the help guys. Just got it. Only to discover that I have 2 faulty LED's. Oh well I'll get some new ones tomorrow.
make sure that you didn't plug them in backwards, some cheaper LED have to be put in in the right polarity, putting them in backwards would cause them not to work.

I'm panicking because I think it may have fell down in the hole where the timing chain goes. Arrrggg. I stuck a magnet down there and looked with a light but saw and got nothing. I spent about 3 hours searching and never recovered it.

Im scared. What if it fell down where the crankshaft is? What should I do?
ummmm. i'm gonna go with dont try to start the car until you find that bolt. because if its not outside the motor, then it has to be inside the motor, and i think it would be a real bad ideal to have a loose bolt just chilling around inside the motor.
Hey wunbadmofo, how did you get it off???? You're supposed to say how you did it so you can help other people who look.
He hasn't been here since March 20th, 2012...

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