Fuel mileage V8/V6 LS


LVC Member
Aug 13, 2004
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I like my new LS and am thinking about a 2nd one for my wife. The dealer has an '04 V6 that would be OK with her performance wise. What kind of mileage are you having with your V8 and V6 LS automatics?

I appreciate your feedback.
1965cobra427 said:
I like my new LS and am thinking about a 2nd one for my wife. The dealer has an '04 V6 that would be OK with her performance wise. What kind of mileage are you having with your V8 and V6 LS automatics?

I appreciate your feedback.
Most are getting mid 20's.
Me - 16.8.... /bad right foot - and no highway driving.
AutoCross weekend - 12.2
Heavy foot, but I only get 14.5. I get about 250-260 miles on a tank.

If you're looking for good gas mileage, I'm not sure this is the car for you. A friend of mine has a 300C with the Hemi and he gets 340 miles with the same 18 gallon tank.

I assume the V6 would be much better than the V8.

Good luck.

Mine gets about 20-21.5 in my commuting cycle of mixed city/highway/sitting in traffic. On the highway, it gets about 23.
Ls V6

I Have the V6 model but mine is 5 speed standard & I get around 375 miles a tank mixed driving. Only mod to engine is a K&N air filter :steering
Hey Gang

I know this is an old thread, but this is the info I am looking for.

It seems that the mpg should be better?

Can some more people post?

Is there another thread you guys could point me to? Maybe someone has already put a study together.

I'm canadian, so I don't this mpg thing and haven't had my car for...wait it's been a week! wooo! Should check that gauge out! ;p
I usually get about 27 on the interstate by myself on long trips and 20 in the city. I recently went on a 4 hour trip to Milwaukee this weekend with five people in my car and a trunk full of luggage. I got about 24-25 on the way up and back which I didn't think was too bad.
I have averaged a consistant 19.2. This is a mix city/hwy number
2004 V8 Ultimate with no mods and I average about 17. 14 mile commute in the SF bay area each way. Drive about 75 mph with no traffic. Every now and then I get leadfoot syndrome. Medium city driving too. Best Ive averaged on a tank of gas was about 19 to 20. Welcome improvement over my two broncos. About 10 and 12 mpg each.
Great :wave

Are they're any V6's out there?

Please keep the info coming.
I know there are other people interested in this info.


On my 2000 ls8 w/ 60k on it (all stock) I get 18mpg city driving. I baby the car (very light foot) What can I do to get better mpg besides air filter/fuel filter. I don't think any of these things were done yet.

Also, I've been dying to ask if these cars are worth modding. If I can squeeze an extra 20-25 hp to the wheels with intake/exhaust I will, but is that about the extent of it?
wow what size tanks do the LS have mind is a continental 95 i have a 18 gallon tank and it,s the big v8
and i drive on the High to Newyork all the time
i can drive about 380 tmiles on a full tank is that realy good
Hawk03 said:
I usually get about 27 on the interstate by myself on long trips and 20 in the city. I recently went on a 4 hour trip to Milwaukee this weekend with five people in my car and a trunk full of luggage. I got about 24-25 on the way up and back which I didn't think was too bad.

How the heck did you manage 27? I've never gotten more than 23 on the interstate and I drive moderate. I asked before if this was normal and most said yes. I think 23 is very low for a 2002 V8 with 35K miles on it. What do you all think?
I don't know I use 91 plus octane and set the cruise at about 72 the whole way. This is going more than 50 miles on the interstate.
i wish i had the message center thingy in my ls. I would love to know my numbers...all i know is I put in 20 bucks in my tank a week and drive about 165 miles a week
stateproperty3423 said:
i wish i had the message center thingy in my ls. I would love to know my numbers...all i know is I put in 20 bucks in my tank a week and drive about 165 miles a week
You're not missing anything, the gas mileage computer is pretty inaccurate. My mileage has gone down since I originally responded to this thread, I'm only getting 19-20 in my commuting cycle now.
my 02 with my wife driving her daily run (75% stop and creep driving) gets ~18mpg.
with either of us driving on the weekend (general running about) gets ~20mpg
On a family trip with me at the wheel on slab averaging 69mph from philly area to Williamsburg - got 28 mpg.

now just one other point, this automatic is never in d5 it's always over to the right.
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Dutch said:
My mileage has gone down since I originally responded to this thread, I'm only getting 19-20 in my commuting cycle now.

Do you have an opinion as to why is has dropped so much?
Has anyone else seen this happen to them?

I apologize for pressing the MPG questions.

I had three vehicles. I sold my '02 F250 Diesel. I am about to replace a '00 EB Expedition and an '02 Navigator. :L

When fuel prices were cheaper it was not that big of an issue. Now I fear prices are going to remain high ( at least for a while ). It does not make since to me, to continue to have so much money leave my pocket for gasoline.


JES_LS said:
now just one other point, this automatic is never in d5 it's always over to the right.

What's the difference between d5 and d4? Also can anyone give some feedback about how to improve your mpg? Thanks!
Hawk03 said:
I usually get about 27 on the interstate by myself on long trips and 20 in the city. I recently went on a 4 hour trip to Milwaukee this weekend with five people in my car and a trunk full of luggage. I got about 24-25 on the way up and back which I didn't think was too bad.
The highest I have got for my 2000 LS8 with 106000 miles is 27.6 mpg with all insterstate driving going 80 mph. Usually, I end up with about 24-26 mpg on the highway and about 19 city
Does the V-6 need premium gas as well? I was visiting a few dealers today, and one of them said that the 2004 V-6 version does not need premium gas. I'm wondering if the 2002 V-6 needs premium as well, being before the big update.

Plus, it's Ford ol' 3.0L V-6, so I don't think it should require regular. It's the same one powering the new Ford 500, no? and that doesn't require premium.
Holy CRAP ive got something wrong!!!! i have a 2002 ls6 and if im not on the highway i get 250-270 to a tank!!!! on highway and city i get 270-300???

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