Ok...now i thought this was about a FPDM? How did a VCRM come up and does it have anything to do with what im trying to solve? Sapperfire suggested TPS. Will a TPS thats gone bad,stop the signal to prime and run the fuel pump? Keep in mind,the pump does work. I verified this by connecting it to the battery directly. The engine still runs...i poored some fuel in the throttle body and turned it over,so the cam and crank angle sensors are ok. All the fuses,and relays are good. So,am i looking for a FPDM,or a VCRM? I don't want to start buying parts,especialy high dollar parts finding out that this isn't the problem and i can't send them back. I need to do something though..its getting hard to get a ride to work 25 miles each way. So,i do need the car...so does anyone know or have any thoughts on straight wiring the pump through a separate relay and switch until i get this worked out? What will it,or won't it effect?