Trying to justify your casual kiss-off just takes you further and further afield.
I run in two classes. One is 'E' Fuel Competition Coupe/Sedan. The rules require that your engine have no more than 4.2 liters or 257 CID. You are allowed to run any fuel or combination of fuels and you MUST have one or more from a list of suggested body modifications.
I run a combination of C16 race gas, Methanol, nitromethane and nitrous oxide. My chosen body modification is a 'belly-pan'. The belly-pan is required to cover more than sixty percent of the underside of the car. Mine is made of aluminum and extends from the front bumper to the kick-up for the rear axle.
Any speed beyond 125 requires safety modifications as well. I have a roll-cage, a fire-suppression system, and the required (beyond factory) belts. Safety apparel required is a complete fire-suit with arm restraints and a helmet. An approved window net is also mandatory.
The second class I run is 'E' Fuel Super Street. Methanol and nitromethane are not allowed in Super Street and factory fuel injection is required.'
No Corvette I've ever known of has an engine that's as small as 239 cubic inches. And I've not yet tried to get all that's possible from my present combination. I do, and always have, used the car as a daily driver.
Considering your massive technological knowledge base, and your attitude, I'm sure you could have done far better with much less.