FWIW-- Ford speced 5w20 for there own good, not yours

I think that's more a product of the kind of vehicle it is and the age. You don't see as many luxury vehicles with a ridiculous amount of miles as you do compact cars of a like age. Also the early models are just starting to get to a point where you could expect to start seeing higher miles.

Lets say you put 20,000k on your car a year... if you have a 2000 LS, you're only at 160,000k mi. And it's safe to say that most people don't drive that much... and if they do, they usually don't waste their money on a car like the LS. However, with the earlier cars getting older and losing value at an accelerated rate... different people are buying them who are bound to have different driving needs. I think the real test of longevity and durability is yet to come in the next few years.

Word to yo momz.
I don't have any clue what type of oil is in my car. And frankly I don't care. I don't know who designed the engine and where it was built. And again, I don't care. I hear it shares a lot in common with Jags and Thunderbirds, but I don't drive one of them, so I don't really care.

My car is a hell of a lot of fun to drive and runs very well. Now that I care about.

I am not even going to touch that post. This is the reason we are in a economic melt down. "I dont care about the intrest, Its fun to live in a big house!!!"
I am not even going to touch that post. This is the reason we are in a economic melt down. "I dont care about the intrest, Its fun to live in a big house!!!"

I live in a big house and have no problems making the payments. All of my cars are paid for and I have no debt other than the house. Sorry, I am not the reason for the economic melt down. Try again. :p

Lighten up and realize that 99% of my posts on this board are sarcastic. That previous post was technically an insult to both sides of this discussion at the same time.
Yes, yes it's a conspiracy by Ford to give you a bad experience with Ford so that you will buy another brand next time. Or maybe, it's even bigger than that. Maybe all American car makers are in on it. It's like like the suppressed 200 MPG carb. or the HHO systems that defeat the laws of physics.

Or wait... Could it be that oils keep getting better and better? As they get better, it is possible to go to thinner and thinner oils? Maybe thinner is better because it has less drag on the engine? Maybe it is better because it can get into tighter spaces and provide better lubrication and cooling?

Why is it that you think that thicker oil is better? Don't waste time on the argument that we should use thicker oil because this other engine that is not the one we have, uses it.
Dont some people also change between weights according to the warmer or colder seasons?
Then why did ford WHO USED TO RECOMMEND only 5w30 in there motors, one day say HEY, lets say 5w20 from now on!!!! and all the motors that use 5w30, we will put 5w20 in them. Did they change the specs of all the old motors out there while we where sleeping to run on 5w20???

All ford did was down size the motor so it was less powerful then the more $$$$ jag.

Now did ford go through BIG $$$ on R+D on the jag motor, and make it fine to run on 5w20, or did they take the jag design, down size it, and blindly put the 5w20 oil on it like they did to all there old motors.

5w20 Will be fine, I am not saying its going to blow up your car. But Euro cars run 5w30-5w40-0w40 for a while now, they never changed to 5w20, and look how long they last.

Yes 5w20 can get you to 300-500 thousand miles easy. I am just stating jaguar has not gone to 5w20 as of yet, with there motor design. WHY is that???

No I am not a ford Engineer, and no I am not running BS. The Engines I work on cruse at about 40,000 feet.

Again, ford only used the lay out of the engine... not the exact design. Example... they took the block layout; where the coolant passages are, the way the timing chain is ran, the degrees separation in the V... things like this; the things that make two engines which are otherwise not the same fall into the same family. Everything else they designed on their own; they determined 3.9L was the ideal displacement for efficiency and power balance, they set the bore and stroke, pin height and thickness, rod length and material (oh so typical of ford... powdered metal with cracked caps), skirt length on the pistons, cylinder wall thickness and separation, bearing width, diameter and clearance... the TRUE NUMBERS of the engine, the actual specs were all controlled by Ford. There is a significant difference between using the same architecture and using the same design. The architecture of the engine is the generalized layout; the design are the specifics: dimensions, materials... things of that nature... Make no mistake... Ford Designed this engine using the AJ architecture.

There are difference between a 4.6L SOHC block (although in reality, DOHC and SOHC blocks can be interchanged) built on the Romeo line and the Windsor line. And these are two engines in the same family which are supposed to be interchangeable. The differences are night and day when you start talking about the 5.4L's vs the 4.6L's... or even the V10's (which are in the modular family). My point here is that just because an engine is in the same family and shares the same general layout... does not mean they are the same DESIGN

With that said... again, I want to make it clear... these engines are not JAGUAR engines... they are Ford engines, they simply borrowed the layout from Jag. People give our cars more credit than they deserve... they are not a Jaguar in Ford clothing... unless it just so happens that we got the retarded redheaded step child of the Jaguar family running around in Ford clothing... Anyway, joking aside.

Given that this engine is FORD's engine, they have every right to do whatever they want with the oil specs... if they want to start at straight 10 weight then through a series of changes end up at 70w85... they are free to do so and unless someone has some sort of hard data, disputing their recommendations does no good.

Did Ford make any changes to their engine that required a change in oil weights? I don't know... do you know? I doubt it. So all you're doing is guessing.

I have a 98 F-150... calls for 5w30 on the fill cap; ford put out a TSB saying 5w20 can be used. What could their motives for this be? Well, I can tell you what their motives are not... That is making an attempt to give their fleet rating a little boost. Ford doesn't gain any better ratings or any better EPA or CAFE approval by approving another oil weight for past years production vehicles. Those vehicles have already gotten their EPA ratings and that cannot be changed. So they gain nothing.

Were I to guess what happened... it would go something like this...
Ford on some of their vehicles were looking to improve emissions, mpg and general efficiency. So among various other things (changing over to coil on plug from coil packs), they tested different weight oils. Determined that 5w20 was safe to run in a number of engines... when this was figured out, they sent out a TSB to inform people that these engines have been tested for and found safe to run 5w20... oh and as an added bonus... you, the vehicle owner will get a bit better fuel mileage. IS any of this factual? Hell... I don't know. Would it be wrong if this is what happened? Nope. Does this mean engines built beyond when Ford started using 5W20 are really designed for 5W30? Nope... Does it mean they were designed for the 5W20 which they run? Nope... See where I'm going with this? We don't know any facts; we are just guessing. The end result is the same... the manufacture who warranty's these vehicles, sometimes up to 100,000 miles... advises a certain oil weight. None of us are REALLY in a position to question it.
I am not even going to touch that post. This is the reason we are in a economic melt down. "I dont care about the intrest, Its fun to live in a big house!!!"

Sorry man, but this post... it makes zero sense.


Economic recession=not caring about specifics concerning your car... only that it's fun to drive


I don't care about the specifics of my car, only that it's fun to drive=I don't care about interest, payments and foreclosure... only that I have (had) a big house.

Are you serious right now?!?!?!?!?!

When Ford bought Jaguar one of the first things they thought of was the inefficiency of the ancient facilities being used. They had a new, state-of-the-art engineering-manufacturing facility built. They then had that new facility design a new V-8 engine. The engine has been offered in sizes as small as 3.2 litres and as large as 4.5 litres. Although there are detail differences throughout the line (look at the sbf including both the Windsor and the Cleveland---the same basic family although they mostly share bore centers and head bolt patterns) they are all AJ engines. The viscosity step from 20 to 30 is almost, but not quite, meaningless.

By all means, use the 20 weight. You'll get marginally better lubrication and slightly less internal drag.
KenS from Ben's Place
Honestly, I think that the 5w-20 spec was for fuel economy reasons, however there are a few tsbs we got in the dealership a few years ago, that proclaim that running 5w-30 motor oil in "certain" high performance modular v8's will cause timing chain noise, dunno if thats true or not, i've had good luck running 5w-30, and 0w-30 in my gen 2, the mpg gains are neglageable
(look at the sbf including both the Windsor and the Cleveland---the same basic family although they mostly share bore centers and head bolt patterns)
Well, except for the fact that Windsors and Clevelands are in separate Ford engine families... ;)
Ohhhh... burn!!


Cleveland=335 engine family
Cleveland Series:
Boss 351

351 Windsor=Windsor engine family
Windsor Series:
Boss 302

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