G/F put antifreeze in the hydraulic fan reservoir.


LVC Member
Aug 11, 2007
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About 2 ounces if my estimates on what "this much" (holds up fingers spaced about 1/8th inch apart) means are correct.

So how should I go about flushing the system? Yes, its been run already with it in there. Yes it looks like chocolate milk in there.

Can I just drain and refill the reservoir a few times until it looks good and roll with that? Do I need a cleaner to run through it? Don't tell me I've gotta blow it all apart and clean the pieces. I'll sell the car...
I don't know how to go about flushing the system but DON'T run the car with antifreeze in the hydro. Antifreeze will eat the seals in the hydraulic pump and any might mess up and hydro lines there are.
About 2 ounces if my estimates on what "this much" (holds up fingers spaced about 1/8th inch apart) means are correct.

So how should I go about flushing the system? Yes, its been run already with it in there. Yes it looks like chocolate milk in there.

Can I just drain and refill the reservoir a few times until it looks good and roll with that? Do I need a cleaner to run through it? Don't tell me I've gotta blow it all apart and clean the pieces. I'll sell the car...

I'd flush it the same way I'd flush a transmission.
- Suck as much of the old crap out of the resevoir as possible (do NOT spin the pump!
- Pop the return line from the pump (low-pressure line) and attach to extra line so it can drain into a bucket
- Attach a new section of hose to the pump
- Fill resevoir with fluid so that some of it comes up the hose we just attached
- Put a bolt or something in the hose so it won't leak, and make sure it stays above the pump so we don't bubble air into the resevoir
- Top off resevoir with new fluid
- Spin the hydraulic pump by hand until you see new fluid coming out the drain line into the bucket, make sure you keep plenty of fluid in the resevoir so you don't suck air into the lines
- When you get new fluid flowing through without bubble or discoloration, suck the fluid out of the reservoir, or drain through our hose w/ bolt (pull bolt, let drain)
- Hook up the return line to the pump
- Fill resevoir with fluid, have a nice day

Not sure if there is more to the hydraulic fan then that, but that's what I would do in your scenario. If there are solenoids and what-not involved, you might need to figure out how to activate them manually so that you can flush them too. No clue how much fluid the system holds. If I had to guess 2-3 quarts tops.
Good thoughts there. I'm going to bet I'd have to activate the fan to flush the whole system if the fan has run since this happened. It might be easier to drain the lines and turn the fan to empty the motor and then just do whatever is necessary to bleed the air back out after. Just depends on what is necessary to trigger the system.
I did this about two years ago, except, I put a lot more than 2 OZ in. What I did was the "Keith Richards" method. I got a lillte pump at the parts store, pumped as much out through the top as I could, filled it back with tranny fluid as specified, ran the car for 20 seconds or so, then repeat. Over the course of several of these transfussions, I started to feel conformtable that all detectable amounts of the antifreeze were gone. After each transfussion, I would let it run just a little longer. The idea is to access all of the bad stuff that you can, and dilute it unitl it is no longer in the system.
I neglected to point out the obvious: This method kept me from having to drain the system completely, and having to bleed air out of it. there was always enough fluid in the systme to prevent it from getting air. The antifreeze definately discolors the fluid, and after a while you can get pretty confident that it is gone. Perhaps not as good as a complete drain, but it seems to have worked.
That's kinda the method I hoped I could get away with. If your's is still working it will probably work for me too. If I don't get any compelling reason to do otherwise, that's what I'll do.

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