G-Rell's goodbye to my LVC family


May 29, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas city
With a heavy heart, I'm afraid that time has come for G-Rell, the LS and LVC.

This last weekend was a whirlwind of decisions... and none came easy. I tend to become sentimental with cars.... and dare I say, a bit emotional, when their days are over.... They become apart of your life, and for me... mean more than just transportation.

Never in my life have I ever kept a vehicle over 2 years. All have left for various reasons, but most are out of boredom or just being unsatisfied (in one way or another). BUT this car has defied that for 8 years running... Yes it has many downfalls, but from a COMPLETE package standpoint, for its time (and price), its been unmatched with anything else I've owned.

For the car
it was purchased in 2008 from a local ford dealer.... and I became the second owner, with 90-100K miles.

This has been truly one of my most reliable cars i've ever owned. As far as I can remember, I've (we :p) only replaced the following:

VCG and coils/plugs (once)
oil pan gasket (once)
alt (once)
front hubs (once)
swaybar bushings (once) and links (twice)
front and rear toe links (IIRC) once
Front window regs (once each)
clockspring (once)
battery (twice) But had 800w in the trunk always on.
failed a CD indash

I ended with 175k, with the original:
COMPLETE COOLING SYSTEM w degas (flushed twice)
control arms and ball joints
shocks and springs (although cut)
All electronics + some

The car:
-overheated once but was solved with a flush by the dealer
-overcharged once (with a bad alt) and had to be towed.
-and had a week of no start due to a bad wire powering the fuel sender.

It was "pushed" (i call it spirited driving) daily, yet never showed signs of aging. At the end I was still averaging 17+ (got better and better each year) with 50/50 miles, and hard driving.

It ran, sounded and rode PERFECTLY...
(Hite can certainly confirm everything above)

.....and although she wasn't the prettiest at the end (mid project), she drove like a dream.

This car was apart of a huge change in my life, and in many ways carried me through a lot.

Its been a wild and fun, near decade. I can say I've learned a lot, not only in car knowledge, but as an early 20's, new member when I started, I learned a lot about being a person too. I "grew up" here and have had a lot of fun, a few angry nights, and a few emotional days (mom's accident thread comes to mind)... but always, always a lot of laughs.

I hate when people leave, thanking specific members, as someone always inadvertently gets left out..... but, to Joegr, Hite, Bigrig, 1LoudLS, ANdrizzle, LS4me, Robot, Kumba, waggs, RollinLS, marcredd, Bullschmidt, (and a few older guys Reaper, 02lincoln, Travis2000... and a few others I know I'm missing), thanks for all the advice, laughs, support and talks we had over the years. Although some of us didn't always see eye to eye on things. you kept it fun to say the least.... Despite a few knuckleheads, everyday was a joy to open LVC and read. (Its going to take a while for me to break the habit of NOT opening my bookmark to here).

Many of you kept me, and many others, in a LS longer than we would have without it....but more than that, you have helped many weather tough times that can come with/while owning an LS. Although sometimes it just feels like posting the same info day after day... you all help make difference in people's lives who come here. Whether its Coil pack repairs, or advice on the thousands of motor swaps that must be out there by now :p.... Im sure every LS owner that's clicked on LVC has gained something from your efforts.... as I did. ..Thank you.

Its been fun calling this LS mine (cue Sarah Mclachlan song)

















To the end:




Thank you for all the support over the years. you've helped make this the most enjoyable car I've ever owned. You've always been there every time i've called... and I've had a blast every time we get together...... A true friend to say the least.

At the end, it was time. Naturally things would eventually start failing, and I just had no desire to keep the car running (the wife HAD NO intention of that happening either). IF i had the space, I would have kept it... but as most know (garage build), I dont. The new rides will keep me plenty busy (in a good way I hope).

After a rough night of salvaging a few parts, and one last wash, it was time to go:

(as was it time for the Exby too.... Bone stock other than a little dip, and the sound system)


our salesman did the honors for me:




and it was done... unable to even look back.

BUT as two go, two come and a new chapter starts:

I Give you the new members of the family



2002 LS replacement : 2015 Mustang GT premium (5500 miles)





Its as loaded as they come (as far as i know)..... BUT...IT IS a 6 speed automatic with select shift. It pains to admit, but there was no way the wife could drive a manual....period. Until we're in a position for a 3rd car, it is what it is... (the paddle shifters are fun though)

2003 Expedition replacement: 2015 F150 Platinum (300 miles)




FULLY LOADED... every option... period... all the way to the massage seats....(except that backup trailer thing)...

I'll get some more pics on day....


Well, thats it boys.

I wish you all the best

I'll stick around a bit and "pop in from time to time" as they say.... I hope to see some more build threads rather than repair threads... but I know that's asking a lot.

Thank you all for the years...


At least you stayed with the Ford family of fine cars. Sorry you're going, Grell. Keep the rubber side down! don-ohio :)^)
I hope to see some more build threads rather than repair threads... but I know that's asking a lot.

I am trying!

I enjoyed reading this story - Although I havent been here for a while - nice having you around! Congrats on the new rides! stang is lookin good.
at first I was feeling a little sad, but then I saw that fukcing pony... now I just hate you!

and damn that color just looks sick as sh!t.

the best part is now the joke is really on you, instead of opening up a catalog and not being able to find a single parts that fits, you have to comb through pages and pages of parts trying to decide on which part/brand you should go with.

not going to lie, the first mod you should go with is a Roush active exhaust, just helped a co-worker do the wiring for his a little bit ago, and damn if it doesn't sound as beautiful as a choir of angels singing.

all joking aside, its been good, good luck with the new beast!
My lord, This I did not see coming.

Such a shame to see you go G, however I fully understand and time comes when some updating of automobiles is needed. Very nice choice on the Mustang, looks real nice!

So sorry to see you go but eventually we will all fall of one by one. I can only gather should I ever pass through Kansas, I'll have to get a hold of Hite to get a hold of you! Just means more work for me!

LOL ... All the best G and thousand thanks for all the laughs over the years.

and as a parting gift, you get;


Now ... about that McLaren Grille of yours?
Ha! thanks guys.

Yea, I fell in love with this color and wheel combo... (the truck's interior is a little unique too) but parts will be a whole new world for me... I have a bit to make up already, not knowing much about stangs, and this coyote. But will definitely take a look at the Roush setup. Intake would look nice (and might actually help this time)... and I hear a tune gets a few more out. (just need to keep my warranty valid for the next 94,500 miles).

Hite, always brother

Rig, anytime... make it soon though, I'm sure we can drive a bit too if needed.

As for parts, I have collected a bit over the years... Once a get a weekend, I'll get a thread started. I'll be selling everything for what I paid for it, no more, no less (hopefully). If I had more time, I would've saved the 06 body parts... there just wasn't (and knew it would hurt my trade in if it was stripped down to nothing).. Hopefully they wont get smashed though. Sorry guys.
Hate it when the good guys leave.
What was the final push? (Sorry if I missed it in the OP, though I did read it all)
Honestly it was the truck that was done... cats just went out... and had them "replaced"... brakes we're due, shocks were about done, gas mileage was 12 at best... We also will be on vacation for most of July and HAD planned to rent a F150 for the month (need to haul that go kart around, and no one allows trailers), but that just seemed like a waste of $1000. .. knowing the trucks replacement was soon.

But the more we talked about it, the more we decided it was time for both... Figured we'd get a little more wiggle room at the dealer with a two car deal...

The LS has been nothing but dependable, so I have no reason to talk bad about it, but IT HAD to be only a matter of time for the big ones to come up.....

Plus I was waiting for the Turbo thread to finish... (sorry Alax, forgot you above)... :N

wanted to end a good note lets say!!!
Nice upgrade. Sad to see you go but yeah it's bound to happen to all of us. The turbo project will continue, should see more progress I'm the next few months, its been a long project, be sure to check in on us from time to time. Good luck with the new rides

Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
Its been fun dude! Enjoy your new rides!!
KUMBA:lol: Nicely done

Who knows what the future will bring it... I can't imagine it staying the way it is forever. I see a few things coming

switchback kit
roof painted / wrapped
Painting these massive calipers (compared)

Honestly the parts for it are a bit overwhelming. Baseball break coming up, so it'll give me a chance to dive into it soon.

I've gotta update my cleaning supplies though... havent waxed (paint protected) anything in awhile!!!!

powerwasher / orbital / and foaming system will be first over all!
Holy hell.
Say it ain't so?
This better be a late and terrible April fools joke.
You are not allowed to leave. We own you.☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
You WILL be back. You know it. LS family is like the mob. You are NEVER out.
Seriously. I understand your decision. You have to do what is best for the family and for the future. Don't be a stranger.
so wait, I'm confused but maybe I missed something here...

why did you trade in the car with 06 front and rear end? I would think the dealer would have given you a better deal on a car that was all the same color with the correct parts, and then you could have made a fortune (or at least enough for some mustang parts) selling the 06 front end to somebody else, no?

sorry if I missed it here or somewhere else.


so wait, I'm confused but maybe I missed something here...

why did you trade in the car with 06 front and rear end? I would think the dealer would have given you a better deal on a car that was all the same color with the correct parts, and then you could have made a fortune (or at least enough for some mustang parts) selling the 06 front end to somebody else, no?

sorry if I missed it here or somewhere else.

doesn't make sense right.

The car was a last minute decision (decided a few days before that the LS would go too). but wasn't sure that THIS mustang (or truck) would be it. I didn't want to strip the LS and NOT end up buying something. With no 1st gen parts to go back on, that would be a difficult trade. (my first gen parts went to the salvage yard with the wrecked 06 we parted).

They started at $300 for the LS as it sat... ( I laughed)

ended up at $1500 for it. Id imagine they would haven't have given much over $500 if all the plastics were off. And I wouldn't have gotten $1000 for the 06 conversion... so I let it go.

PLUS i just didn't have the time... I was up till 12 that night getting all the other stuff out.

It hurt to lose the parts (trust me), much rather they go to someone here, but it is what it is.

I will have some other rare parts to go up soon though. just not the 06 body.

Sorry boys.
powerwasher / orbital / and foaming system will be first over all!


I'm close myself to pulling the trigger on their TORQ 10FX Random Orbital Polisher Kit.

Grabbing their VSS Scratch and Swirl Remover as well.

They have a lot of youTube vids on their techniques and products, seems legit.

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