LVC Photographer
As you may or may not know, I have acquired another set of Range Rover HSE UChrome 19x8 et57 wheels. As one of mine got bent (not bad definitely fixable) instead of just getting my wheel fixed or buying one rim I bought a whole set with OEM centers and lugs. Kudos to Alax for making the transaction easier. The seller didn't want to ship so he did all the leg work and I paid for everything. Thanks again
So.....Ideally I would like to keep a spare in case anything happens to another one of mine. Would anyone be interested in buying a couple of these, centers and lugs? I would even be willing to sell the bent one at steep discount too as basically a throw in if you want to get it fixed. These require adapters to fit as they are not 5x108. I can help with that and give you all the info you need. I even will help you find another 2-3 rims so you have a set. There is a yard that has 3 of these in Uchrome which are for sale.
There is no rush on any of this. Just want to get the word out there that I have these. They would make a great addition to anyone looking for a unique look for their LS.
PM me if this tickles your fancy.
So.....Ideally I would like to keep a spare in case anything happens to another one of mine. Would anyone be interested in buying a couple of these, centers and lugs? I would even be willing to sell the bent one at steep discount too as basically a throw in if you want to get it fixed. These require adapters to fit as they are not 5x108. I can help with that and give you all the info you need. I even will help you find another 2-3 rims so you have a set. There is a yard that has 3 of these in Uchrome which are for sale.
There is no rush on any of this. Just want to get the word out there that I have these. They would make a great addition to anyone looking for a unique look for their LS.
PM me if this tickles your fancy.