Gen 1 Headlight Housings


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Huntsville, Alabama, United States
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These housings were re-chromed by Jamie and he installed them on the 95 Mark, which was his at the time and then I came along a few months later and bought the car. The housings are still clear and the chrome is still in excellent shape and the light output is very good.

I only took them out because I bought new housings to go with the new grille. I just want everything in the front to be new. The housings are sealed very well and I have never seen any moisture at all in either one. Jamie might chime in and give an estimated date that he redone them. Pics below and also in the sig pic, the same housings were installed then too.

$100 shipped in the US. If interested, PM me for PayPal address. If you need additional pics posted here, just let me know. I didn't use any flash and the room was a little dim.




With 6000K in the low beams, this is them at night.

I think I may just keep them just in case something ever happens to one of the ones I have on the car now. Hell, I might take the new ones off and just use these until they finally do wear out or start getting dingy.

Someone offered a trade but the only thing I would trade for is a 93 one piece shaft.
It was through your thread that I found out about Jamie, he contacted me yesterday and we are going to have our's done. Sick and tired of not being able to see at night to drive, have another car but love my mark! So thank you for posting this, what a difference in the brightness!
It was through your thread that I found out about Jamie, he contacted me yesterday and we are going to have our's done. Sick and tired of not being able to see at night to drive, have another car but love my mark! So thank you for posting this, what a difference in the brightness!

As of now, they are still for sale and keep in mind that what you see is 6000K HID's that are lit up. Yes, they are clear and yes, they do put out good light but halogen bulbs are not recommended with these housings.

The sale of these is pending between about 3 different people. First one with the $100 will get them and it will be posted here when they do sell.
halagen bubls create a lot more heat put silver stars in the 94 and found out the hard way. o well set on the blister you learn not to play with fire.
halagen bubls create a lot more heat put silver stars in the 94 and found out the hard way. o well set on the blister you learn not to play with fire.

I wouldn't put either one in my housings. HID's only for me. Maybe you read what I said wrong. Halogen bulbs are for stupid people.

I'm sorry to those that were wanting these but I couldn't hold them. I'm going to send another set to Jamie to have done and when he's in a bind with no time or is out of stock, I'll have them for sale.

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