C Callencampbell8883 LVC Member Joined Oct 4, 2015 Messages 49 Reaction score 0 Location TIGARD Mar 20, 2016 #1 Hey, I installing gears and trac lock in my 95 LSC and was wonder what tuner GEN1ers are using for tunes?
Hey, I installing gears and trac lock in my 95 LSC and was wonder what tuner GEN1ers are using for tunes?
chris2523 93 Mark VIII Joined Nov 8, 2007 Messages 7,913 Reaction score 270 Location Central MO Mar 20, 2016 #2 SCT chip. not a tuner, but very widespread usage. otherwise, we take a bit of a step back in time to the TwEECer or a Quarter Horse unit for obd1 tuning.
SCT chip. not a tuner, but very widespread usage. otherwise, we take a bit of a step back in time to the TwEECer or a Quarter Horse unit for obd1 tuning.
PenGun Dedicated LVC Member Joined May 2, 2012 Messages 580 Reaction score 28 Location BC Mar 22, 2016 #3 Back in time: http://www.kvitek.com/ford/ http://www.aa1car.com/library/2004/us10430.htm http://www.moates.net/quarterhorse-for-fords-p-199.html My TwEECer stuff is all bad links now.
Back in time: http://www.kvitek.com/ford/ http://www.aa1car.com/library/2004/us10430.htm http://www.moates.net/quarterhorse-for-fords-p-199.html My TwEECer stuff is all bad links now.
PenGun Dedicated LVC Member Joined May 2, 2012 Messages 580 Reaction score 28 Location BC Mar 30, 2016 #4 it's not really a tune, but the W3Z2 ECUs are the good ones. No speed limit and 6 grand anytime. If you can find one It's worth the swap.
it's not really a tune, but the W3Z2 ECUs are the good ones. No speed limit and 6 grand anytime. If you can find one It's worth the swap.
dnsherrill Dedicated LVC Member Joined Aug 18, 2012 Messages 2,627 Reaction score 109 Location Raleigh Mar 31, 2016 #5 So the WZ32 eec would be a direct swap (plug in and ready to drive) in my 94?
J jbelcourt Dedicated LVC Member Joined Nov 1, 2013 Messages 572 Reaction score 23 Location Orlando Mar 31, 2016 #6 dnsherrill said: So the WZ32 eec would be a direct swap (plug in and ready to drive) in my 94? Click to expand... Yes. I have one it was in my 93. I'm chipped with a different ECU now though.
dnsherrill said: So the WZ32 eec would be a direct swap (plug in and ready to drive) in my 94? Click to expand... Yes. I have one it was in my 93. I'm chipped with a different ECU now though.
MERIJONS97LSC Dedicated LVC Member Joined Mar 25, 2007 Messages 954 Reaction score 6 Location stanhope Mar 31, 2016 #7 I went with the chip