general question

You have very beautiful cars! As for your question, I am not sure, I would imagine no just because they are actually very different cars. Maybe someone else knows more on that topic than I do though.
Thank You very much! But TC is no longer in my possesion, the rwd was very difficult to handle in my surroundings..LC drives perfectly though:)

So, two questions remain unfold, first concerning the longevity proportions between TC and Caddy, and secondly- the possibility of instalig Ford engine in Cadillac body...

Thank you for the Frendship request:)
No problem! :Beer the Northstar is a lot more complicated than the TC engine, if they are very well maintained they can last quiet a while. If this Northstar was very well maintained and you continue the maintenance I see no problem with it possibly lasting to 200,000-250,000 miles, I admit 500,000 is a stretch and I highly doubt it will last that long, I was just saying that was the highest I have seen. It's too bad RWD is a problem because the 1993-1996 Fleetwood's are great cars. 1994-1996 are the good years as they have 5.7L LT1 V8's which were derived from the corvette.
yes..that is a pity:( I have too much snow during the winter time, though the last one was very light and nice. Almost no single flake:) But i dunno what kind of suprise this climate holds for the next cold season, so I must be ready and equiped with FWD only.

So I wonder, does the trick with changing the engines will work? 250k doesn't sound very optymistic compare to 1.oooooo which TC can make :(
yes..that is a pity:( I have too much snow during the winter time, though the last one was very light and nice. Almost no single flake:) But i dunno what kind of suprise this climate holds for the next cold season, so I must be ready and equiped with FWD only.

So I wonder, does the trick with changing the engines will work? 250k doesn't sound very optymistic compare to 1.oooooo which TC can make :(
Well I have never seen one with that many, maybe if it was rebuilt once between then, the highest I see right now for sale is 450K. Like I said they are two very different engines, the Northstar has a lot more advanced technology and a lot pore power and torque, but the TC engines last forever. Like I said this car with 90,000 if everything checks out alright should last a while.
Yeah mulder, I was calling my relatives over there, and this winter we here in the north east USA got the worst of it, and it seems everyone else got a mild winter. I remember the last winter that I was in Poland was like this, just the snow accumulations were a little more.
I have made the decision. I am taking Cadillac DeVille 2001, - and hope it will not turn out to be a field mine :)

If not, I am sure I will like it :) The final price is 7000$, and it is not very expensive here. I have checked, made a serious survey, the car in this condition can't be seen below 8500$

So having said all that, I am seriously thinking about mooving to USA sometime, as You all have the acces to sooooo great cars, on so cheap prices..same goes for gasolne :D Not to mention the sights and landscapes of your country!

Yea, that would be a good idea I think:cool:
I have made the decision. I am taking Cadillac DeVille 2001, - and hope it will not turn out to be a field mine :)

If not, I am sure I will like it :) The final price is 7000$, and it is not very expensive here. I have checked, made a serious survey, the car in this condition can't be seen below 8500$

So having said all that, I am seriously thinking about mooving to USA sometime, as You all have the acces to sooooo great cars, on so cheap prices..same goes for gasolne :D Not to mention the sights and landscapes of your country!

Yea, that would be a good idea I think:cool:
Congratulations!!! Please take your own pictures and post them some time! I'm sure you'll love it!! :D

I have just received messages from friends in Poland, they told me "not to buy any car with NS engine, as it is a matter of sheer time, when it crashes like an old diesel water pomp".

I find that statement a little bit to much of exaggeration...:)
Like I said they got a lot better as the years went on, after 2004 is when they were the best for reliability.
yes, I remeber:) I heared that NorthStar 4.6 since 2000 are relatively safe motors...

So I ll stay optymistic and hope that my future DLS 2001 (or DTS?) will prove to run well :)

I have just received some ornaments, which I had bought then:)


Nice stuff! I have a collection of my own, even a rare Northstar V8 engine cover. This is just some of it.
photo (21).jpg
photo (19).jpg

photo (21).jpg


photo (19).jpg

Looks great:)

I can't wait till I have my Caddy :)

I wonder, why that cover is so rare?
It's rare because it's a 300HP cover from 2004. 2004 was the last year for the 300HP engine and 2004 was also the only year they made a cover specific to the 300HP. Also in 2004 only the Deville DTS had this engine and about 10,000 of these models were sold in 2004. That sound like a lot but you have to figure over a few million vehicles had the Northstar V8 in them.
I got it:) just like cherokee 5.9 LX Limited- in 1998 they made only 15k of them. Sounds like a lot, but go on and find 1998 Grand Cherokee LX 5.9 Limited...

So what kind of oil should i use for the engine and the transmission, I want to change them, as soon as I get the car...
Yup pretty much, it's one of those things most people wouldn't know but someone like me does. ;)

Next weekend I am driving to the Czech Republic to claim my car. Any advice what should I be aware of, while taking first look at my Deville?

Next weekend I am driving to the Czech Republic to claim my car. Any advice what should I be aware of, while taking first look at my Deville?
Well, make sure it's not leaking oil, that's a headache in it's own if it is, hopefully you drive it around a bit too to make sure the transmission is functioning properly. If it's over heating than it most likely has a blown head gasket, you shouldn't smell coolant in the exhaust as that is also a sign I believe. I notice in one of the pictures the dashboard is beginning to warp on the passenger side, it is a very very common thing on these. Have you spoken on the phone with the seller? Why it's being sold is something useful to know. Look underneath the car for rust, I am nit sure if rust is an issue with cars in Europe, but I have seen quiet a few rust buckets by me below is a picture of one, this is not what you want to see! I guess just check for the rest of the normal car stuff.
photo (43).jpg

photo (43).jpg
I wouldn't let that spot on the dashboard discourage you from buying it, I would still buy it.
That was really helpful, thank you! :) I will take everything you have said, into consideration!
One more question, if u mind...

How many airbags has the Deville 2000+? I can't really figure out, whether it has two for the driver, and one for the passenger, or only one per driver and the passenger?
One more question, if u mind...

How many airbags has the Deville 2000+? I can't really figure out, whether it has two for the driver, and one for the passenger, or only one per driver and the passenger?
Ok, the 2000 and up Deville's have front driver and passenger airbags and driver and passenger side airbags as standard equipment, you could get rear side airbags as an option back in the day, but it is less common on base models. To tell if this Deville has rear side airbags, it will be stamped on the seat. So standard it came with 4 airbags, and optional 6 airbags.
Here is a diagram, again the rear airbags are optional.
photo (44).jpg

photo (44).jpg

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