Get ready for high gas prices, brought to you by Obama and the Democratic party.

You apparently have real self esteem issues. Do you have a talking mirror in your bedroom?

As I've said before, you think you're clever, but your 'jokes' fall flat. Those who live in glass houses and all that...

I am here to entertain the left, not the right... :p

And I have a great big mirror in my bedroom (I like to watch ;) ), but it has never, ever spoken to me. Why, does yours foss?
It I had wanted to simply say, "they started it first", I would have said that. I wrote that for a reason. There is a history there that you are completely unaware of an cannot make an informed decision on what is going on here without knowing about. There is a decided difference between the "rudeness" and "insults" coming from the left.

I understand you wrote that for a reason. But, quite simply, you are telling me that their actions in the past justify your reaction in the present. Really and truly, the mature thing to do is be the bigger person and not engage in the same behavior that they did. By stooping to your level, you are no better than they are, as you clearly believe yourself to be.

The left use rudeness, insults deception, dishonesty, mock indignance, ridicule, etc to make their argument. The argument hinges on those things.

Interesting, because I see that coming from the Right more than the Left.
fossten & ford nut both... that doesn't really help the discussion. Stick to it, will ya?

The level of conversation that takes place here on these boards really is beyond what is found in textbooks and even in real life. The rudeness and name calling really detracts from it - that's why I'm "whining" about it, as so put by one of the bigger offenders.
Yep, I know. About a day ago they started showing up here to level the playing field, lol.

In all honesty, while off topic and disrespectful of Palin, it is a humorous observation of the Palin family's apparent inability to stop reproducing.
Yep, I know. About a day ago they started showing up here to level the playing field, lol.

In all honesty, while off topic and disrespectful of Palin, it is a humorous observation of the Palin family's apparent inability to stop reproducing.
Unlike lincolnx2, they happen to eschew murder as a form of birth control.
I'm not like you. I only call things as I see them; I don't make stuff up just to be an ass.

NOPE.. your nothing like Fordnut.
he doesnt have to hide in the political forum..he's an actual contributing member of the community that actually spends time trying to help folks.

you'd never measure up to Fordnut standards, so feel free to remain hidden here as LVC is much better off this way.

*grins a smack talk smile* <---since the lack of smiley's bothers you so much.
NOPE.. your nothing like Fordnut.
he doesnt have to hide in the political forum..he's an actual contributing member of the community that actually spends time trying to help folks.

you'd never measure up to Fordnut standards, so feel free to remain hidden here as LVC is much better off this way.

*grins a smack talk smile* <---since the lack of smiley's bothers you so much.
Yawn. Was that supposed to injure me in some way? Sorry, you missed the mark. :rolleyes: I'm not a gearhead, but I've contributed to the Mark VIII forum. I haven't in a while, though.

By the way, how long have you and ford nut been butt buddies? I guess he needs to hide behind your skirt now.
I understand you wrote that for a reason. But, quite simply, you are telling me that their actions in the past justify your reaction in the present. Really and truly, the mature thing to do is be the bigger person and not engage in the same behavior that they did. By stooping to your level, you are no better than they are, as you clearly believe yourself to be.

And when I first came here I did try, countless times to "turn the other cheek". Most all us conservatives did well beyond what most people would. And you know what it got us? Our arguments were constantly mischarcterized, mocked and effectively marginalized; especially by a small number of people here with a very liberal view.

When we decided to stop simply turning the other cheek, things snowballed from there as I have already pointed out.

If you always simply "turn the other cheek", you get run over and people with no sense of decency abuse your tolerance. You could see that on an international scale when Neville Chamberlin was made into a joke for signing a peace agreement with Adolf Hitler.

There is a time and a place where you have to stop simply allowing people to abuse your tolerance and stand up to them. In the context of debate, if you don't stand up to them, then they are allowed to characterize, mischaracterize and recharacterize the debate (and the arguments in the debate) as they see fit.

Interesting, because I see that [using rudeness, insults, deception, dishonesty, mock indignance, ridicule, etc to make an argument] coming from the Right more than the Left.

Then cite examples (including links to the posts).

You clearly don't even know what I am talking about when I say that. What I am talking about are blatant fallacious arguments that are aimed at dishonestly marginalizing an opposing argument, tricking someone into agreement, oversimplifying and mischaracterizing their argument, things like that. Here are a few links to the type of fallacies I am talking about.

The right doesn't make those type of arguments. the argument and any "insults" are separate. No argument about the issue being debated hinges on any rudeness, insults, deception, dishonesty, ridicule, mischaracterization, etc.

And this forum is better off because of that. Those type of arguments are exposed from the get go and not allowed to persistantly drag down the debate.

You praise this forum because, "The level of conversation that takes place here on these boards really is beyond what is found in textbooks and even in real life". That is, in large part because those dishonest, decietful and ultimately irrational type of arguments are not allowed anymore. People cannot get away any more with easy fallacious arguements that may be convincing but are illogical and specious at best.

There are certian people who have shown that all they have to offer are those type of dishonest and decietful arguments, and are just as stuborn as anyone on this forum. They either cannot or will not have a reasonable, honest debate. Those of us who have been on this forum for quite a while know how they argue and can spot those type of arguments (from most anyone) very quickly and jump on it right away. That may come across as "rude" to someone who hasn't even been on this forum for a month, but it is why this forum is so heavy on details and depth; specious arguments are not allowed.

With political debate with anyone who is very strongly opinionated, rudeness and even insults are going to fly. That is the nature of the beast and cannot really be separated, given human nature. What matters is when rudeness and insults become what the argument hinges on. If you read the definition of those fallacious arguments then you will get an idea of what I mean. Here are a few really good threads to familiarize yourself with when it comes to the history of this forum and the different types of arguments being made. Note how much time is spend correcting and disproving pretty obvious mischaracterizations and distortions. That is not near the issue now that it was then.
Funny, I also eschew murder as a form of birth control, but I have somehow managed to not subject the World to any of my offspring so far.

Perhaps you could draw a picture for the other guy, he's having trouble figuring it out...

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