Get together at my shop on the 25th. Free food and beer.


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 19, 2009
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Still looking for a bunch of nice cars to come out to the shop on the 25th for a big picture setup for my web page. Gonna have BBQ and beer and pool and soda all on me. :) Just would like people to show up and would be like a mini car meet. :nice:

So if you are in the Texas area and wanna bring your car down and meet some people from other forums you may have some fun. Gonna be a few Cobras and Mustangs, couple Vetts and BMWs as well as at least two Marks. :)
Good luck wish it was close to me.
You shoud turn this into an annual car show with free food TSI does it up here, it has great turnout and ist good publicity for them and fun for everyone else. They also do a small crackel feat at the end of the day.
Is a smal world , I'll be going thru Waco on my way to Houston on the 24th for the Houston rodeo . I'll be in my truck haulin a trailer , i won't see my mark for a month but shell be safe at the house , good thing the battery is on the fritz. Wished I could make it to your shindig but duty calls and I gotta work , so I can make more money so I can drive fast. Hahaha.
My brother-in-law lives in Crowley!! Small world. I really wish I could get down there. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun. Hope you have a good show Laser!:)

What's his name might know him , crowley ain't too big , what's he drive?
Hopefully I get off early. work till 3 on saturdays
I'm the only running mark in crowley and I'm afraid I haven't met frank yet but you never know who ya meet up. With in crowley
And im the mark owner that does have possesion of it. One day or will just get another one.
What times everyone from dfw heading out to wild bills.
Damn, too far away or I'd stop by with my Mach 1.
Still looking for people that wanna come to the get together at the shop on the 25th, this Saturday. I will have beer and soda and food. Just everyone hanging out pretty much and shooting the chit. Take some pics and have some fun.

Figure around lunch time but I will be getting there earlier to setup a little. Just kinda a show and tell of the shop and to let people criticize my choices. :D

7589 Golinda Dr
Golinda Texas.

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